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Hey guys!

I cannot believe the amount of reads I have already! I am super excited for when we hit 2,000. I also have 84 votes which is just unbelievable!!! I cannot thank you enough, you are the best fans ever!

Dedicated to xxxTheScriptxxx 


Danny's POV

"Walk Away"

I turned around and left the room, walked down the hall and opened the front door. She wasn't following me which hurt a little but, at least she wouldn't be hurt. I left the house and walked back home.

I checked my messages as soon as I found my phone in my room. All 6 were from Mark.

'Yo dude! What up?'

'Do u wanna meet up?'

'Dan, where r u?'

'U never take this long to reply.'

'Amy just got a text from Ally...'

'I'm sorry u guys broke up man'

'Danny, I'm coming over.'

I went downstairs because this text was sent 1 minute ago. I sat down at my kitchen table and my phone buzzed.

'I am outside ur house.'

I got up, chuckling and opened the front door for Mark.

"You have no idea how much you sound like a creepy stalker!" I told him and led him to my room.

"I know!" Mark smiled. "So what happened? Who broke up with who?"

"I broke up with her...." I mumbled, running a hand through my hair and bringing it down to cover my face.

"Care to share?" Mark asked and I uncovered my face and began to explain.

~~~~5mins later~~~~

Mark's POV

"So then I left and came home" Danny finished explaining.

"I'm sorry man" I told him and patted him on the back. I felt sorry for Ally, she really loved him and it was a sad break up- lots of shouting and crying.

"Amy has gone to Ally'a house with Leah to go and do-uh-whatever girls do when they break up. Eat ice cream and watch Love Actually or Pride and Predjudice?" I wondered out loud.

"I think that's what they do." Danny said but he didn't smile.

"We, however shall go about this in a manly way-booze and Die Hard." I told him. Danny just threw himself onto his bed head first and buried his head under a pillow.

"Dan.... Do you wanna watch a chick flick?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. Danny immediately jumped up.

"You get the film, I will get the mint chic chip!" He ordered and ran off chuckling.

"Ummm, Dan.........?" I shouted after him.

"Yeah?" His voice called back from somewhere in the house.

"I think we have come to a point in our friendship where we can be open with each other...." I began.

"Of course." He replied.

"Did you break up with Ally because you were just realising you had taken the other path in life?"

"What?!" He shouted. "What are you talking about?"

"Dan.... Are you gay?!" I asked. Danny stormed in to the living room where the adverts on the DVD were playing.

"I am not gay you idiot!" He punched my arm.

"Whatever you say....." I joked. Danny shot me a 'shut the hell up' look and I stopped laughing.

(A/N/I have nothing against gay people by the way.)


Amy's POV

"He said 'Walk Away' and just left and I didn't know what to do and I was frozen in shock so I texted Amy. I couldn't run after him because my legs were heavy and I was crying so everything was blurred. Bu I love hhi-him an-" After saying her last incoherent sentence, Ally threw herself at me and sobbed into my shirt. We had Love Actually on pause and Hugh Grant had just entered 10 Downing Street and was being introduced to the staff. It was a really funny bit but we had to stop it to get more ice cream.

I gave Ally to Leah for a bit and got a box of tissues for her.

"I am sorry Ally, I really am. That sounds like a really bad break up." Leah comforted her. Ally sat up and dried her tears.

"I am sorry you guys. I must seem really selfish. I am not going to shed one more tear for Danny. Ok?" She asked us brightly but her smile didn't reach her eyes- she still had that sad, empty look in them.

I looked at Leah worriedly and she returned the look.

"Whatever you say....." We said and started to watch the rest of the movie.

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