All She Thinks About Is You

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This is a bad chapter.....


Danny's POV

It took me a while to go back to normal. But I did. I spent everyday like I used to, hanging out with Mark. We rode around the town, went to bars and picked up chicks. Well... I did. Mark was with Amy.

It took 4 months before I forgot about Ally. She was always there, in the back of my mind but she wasn't the only thing I could think about.

I was eating lunch with my parents when the doorbell rang.

"Who can that be?" My mum asked and got up to go to the door. "Danny! There is a girl here for you." My mum shouted and I got up from the table.

I got to the door and saw Amy standing there with a smile on her face.

"Hey Danny!" She gave a small wave. Her being Mark's girlfriend had actually brought us closer so me and Amy were friends now.

"Hey Am's"

"Mrs O'Donnoghue, can I steal your son for a while?" She asked.

"Be sure to bring him back though." My mum laughed and pushed me out the door, shutting it after me.

Well I feel loved.

"So...." I began awkwardly as we walked down the road.

"I think you made a mistake. A big mistake." Amy said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Breaking up with Ally has ruined her."

"Amy, I don't want to talk about this now."

"Well I do." She cut me off angrily. "4 months ago, you broke up with my best friend. 4 months ago, my best friend stopped living. She is half dead the way she wanders around aimlessly. The only words she says are thank you, no, Danny and Why."

"What are you trying to do Amy?" I asked irritated.

"Look. I'm sorry okay? But, Ally, she's lost it. All she thinks about is you every hour of every day, hell, I think she dreams about you. She sat in her house on her own and called me one night and all I could hear was sobbing. I had no idea what I should. say because it felt like she had just thrown everything away. Help."

"Amy, I wish I could help but I am not right for her. I am sorry but-"

"Just give me something to say to her." She cut me off.

"Tell her to get over me. She is not safe with me and she does not deserve that." I smiled sadly and walked back to my house.

I walked through the front door, not saying a word to my parents and went up to my room. I shut the blinds and went into shut down mode.


Ally's POV

Amy came round today. She had texted me telling me it was urgent and she would get here as soon as possible.

"Hey!" I greeted her as she sat down next to me on my bed.

"Heya." She replied, looking sad. "So.... I went to see Danny today."

At the mention of his name, I suffered heartbreak all over again. It felt like my heart had shattered and the shards were stabbing me, consuming me in pain and freezing my body.

"And he said you have to get over him. You are not safe with him and he is not right for you." Amy told me with a sad smile. She patted my knee and got up.

That was the last I heard from him.

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