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two 'good friends'

Charlie strolled through the park as the rain dripped from the frosty leaves. His tattered bag hung from his shoulders and his trousers drooped around his ankles He had no coat so he was shivering in the cold but still taking his time to get home because he didn't want to get started on his chores.As he was walking the frosty air got to his lungs, and he had to sit down on the bench beside him to catch his breath.He scrounged through his ruined bag searching for his inhaler.

Kayden was behind charlie enjoying a pastry from the family bakery next to the park, unlike charlie he was wrapped up in a light blue, thigh-length coat. A matching scarf. He noticed Charlie sitting on the bench looking for something in his bag, Kayden and charlie were good friends, he was always the bubbly opposite to Charlie's glum deminer, so he placed himself next to charlie on the bench.

He inquired "Heya charlie! What cha' lookin' for?".  "Oh hi dude, um just my inhaler" charlie replied softly, charlie was always never in a good mood after school it always seemed to drain the light from his eyes Kayden wasn't sure whether it was the piles of work or the unsociable people that populated their year. His thoughts were interrupted by Charlie clutching his blue inhaler shaking it and taking a puff of it franticly, Kayden asked: "hey Charlie would you like a bite of my Croissant? You seem like something warm would help you more than me". "Oh, thank you Kayden" Charlie responded leaning over to Kayden and taking a small bite from the fluffy pastry. Charlie's face being so close to his lap made a red haze spread across Kayden's cheeks, he looked away his face growing more rosey."Are you okay Kayden? You've gone all red?" Charlie obliviously inquired not realising Kayden's nervous fidgeting." O-Oh I'm okay, I HAVE TO GO NOW THOUGH, BYE!" Kayden quickly got up and briskly paced out of the park millions of thoughts racing through his mind, why was he thinking this? They're just platonic friends what is going on with him?

Charlie had finally got home the warm air of the house defrosting his fingers and cheeks, he rushed to his room trying to avoid his mum or dad screaming orders at him. He unbuttoned his stained shirt and adjusted his binder while blankly staring at himself in the mirror the scan of his body made him realise he desperately needed a new binder but the amount of begging it took to get the one he has now so there was no chance he'd get another, he quickly threw on a baggy band tee shirt and a random pair of ripped jeans from his floor.

Kayden arrived home after 15 minutes of nervous pacing and spiralling about that one little moment, he got in softly closing the door behind him making sure not to wake his mum up he then tiptoed up the stairs, entering his neat, pristine bedroom he nicely undressed himself placing the clothes in a neat pile beside him he looked in his ornate mirror as he took a deep breath in his chest hurt he knows is because he's not taken his binder off since yesterday but he's not ready too yet either so he ignored the growing pain and continued his routine picking out a blue and white sweater vest and a matching checkered baby blue pants after getting dressed he looked at his phone '1 unread message from: charlie'

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