3 - Treatment begins

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Frank's POV

Antonio's is carrying that child like a treasure. And she might be. I can't help think of our little Rosie. Everything we do regarding children is because of Rosie. People don't know how much the big scary Morelli Mafia contributes to local children's hospitals and charities. And they don't need to know. It doesn't affect them. We just hope that maybe something will help our little Rosie...currently we've added stuff for teenagers because Rosie is going to be 16 soon.

As we rush upstairs, Bryce is efficiently giving me a rundown of what he knows and has done. Antonio mentions that she's 12 and I take a look. "She's definitely older than 12. Unless she hit puberty early, which I doubt would be possible based on her condition. She appears to be severely malnourished. and from what I can see of arms, neck and face. She's been abused quite possibly for quite some time. " I hear a couple growls at that. We might be big teddy bears when it comes to kids, but teddy bears can still bite.

As we enter our home clinic, Antonio carefully places her on the bed. I go to remove the jacket from her and immediately stop when I see the state of her. "Bryce, get me a blanket."  Bryce blinks a bit, but gives me the blanket that I carefully place over her. before removing the jacket.

I give Bryce the jacket and ask him to give it to whomever it belongs to and to send up Hannah our head housekeeper. He takes a look at me, and then blinks and leaves. I know him. He'll return but wait outside until needed. She's going to need a woman.

I look at Antonio and said.. "She doesn't have anything under that tee and from what I could see just from trying to remove the jacket...she's experienced more than just physical abuse. If you're going to hit something, go to the gym. For now, tell me what you know. and tell me you have leads on who did this."

"We captured the people chasing her...they're the likely suspects. We'll find out more."

Just then Hannah walks in, "Hannah, this girl has been severely injured. Can you and maybe one other maid that you trust be ready to help me with her. Right now, we need to get an extent of her visible injuries. And we might change her into a hospital gown, but I don't want to do too much without her consent. And she's not going to trust men so we limit her exposure. This hallway is to be restricted - the maids can get anything the men may need from the offices.

Antonio, I'd like you and Bryce to stay nearby. Bryce might be needed for his medical skills and she might need you to calm her down as a friendly face. And she might try to run again. so having someone else might be helpful."

Antonio looks at me..."I'm not sure she saw my face. She was struggling too much and I don't know that it would be friendly, but I'll try." Hannah goes to Bryce and tells him to tell Molly to come up immediately.

I look at Hannah and say let's try to treat the visible wounds. I would like you to hold up the blanket for me so I can work. I'll start with her arms neck and face, then feet and finally we can discuss what's under the tee, I've not seen any visible blood but there could internal bleeding.

Antonio interrupts..."maybe we should find out who she is while you're treating her. "

I look at him and say "you're right. Let's do some blood work including a DNA test. Those are relatively noninvasive. We should also run her DNA against the men you captured as well as whatever databases you *cough* have access too. Her family may have a criminal record, or she may have been kidnapped and her family put their DNA on file like we did for our Rosie."

Bryce returns with Molly. "Molly and Hannah, from now on I want one of you at all times in this room with her. But do nothing without her consent unless I tell you too, and you must be extra nice as if you're speaking to your favorite grandchild...err...niece." Molly is in her early 20s and Hannah in her 60s.  "If she awakens without myself or Antonio here, notify us. Bryce, you'll be my backup for medical, but you may not treat her like you treat my brothers...no ordering her to do something because it's the best thing for her health. Her emotional state is going to be exceptionally fragile, even a raised voice may be traumatic."

Bryce looks kinda put out at the thought he would ever raise his voice to the child. but nods. "Also, I can tell she's pretty dehydrated. She looks like she's going to need IV fluids, so we'll put in an IV catheter and use it to draw blood and then start the fluids. Molly and Hannah, you'll be in charge of monitoring the fluids. And letting me (or Bryce and I) know so we can replace it. Antonio, she's going to need a lot of privacy, so for now you get guard duty. "

"now let's get to work. First step, let's put in that IV and get the blood drawn. While I'm doing that, one of you ladies can be using wipes and wiping any dirt or makeup that could be hiding injuries while another helps move the blanket keeping her as covered as possible. " 

Antonio asks, "should I ask Derek to be the designated runner for getting blood work etc? He's already seen her and as long as he doesn't come into this room it shouldn't affect privacy. I can ask him to set up the keep out signs as well."

I look up from collecting the blood. "Good idea. that's why you're the boss. Tho you'll need to be the one to explain to the brothers why they can't go into their offices as they likely won't listen to him..." then I finish up collecting the blood, "can you take these to him and have him deliver them to the lab - also request that he quietly put a bench or some chairs about 10 feet away from the door so anyone I kick out can wait. and i will be kicking people. we do not want to overwhelm her."

As Antonio leaves, I tell Bryce to get out the monitors while I setup the IV. After that, I check her vitals and start the record. I tell Molly and Hannah that they may take turns sleep in one of the rooms set up for hospital stay but they'll either need to sleep in their clothes or a hospital gown because I don't want either one leaving the floor at this moment for a change of clothes. Molly goes to rest while I start treating what I can. Hannah stays as my assistant and chaperone. Bryce goes to sit outside and rest. It's been about 2 hours and she hasn't woken up. But pulse is still steady. She might not wake until morning but we'll try to get as much as we can treated now. Her hands are especially tore up. I wish i could give her pain killers but we can't risk it - so I settle for some analgesic cream. Thankfully, no place so far needs stitches because waking up to that can be off-putting.

The child is so emancipated that I text Derek to tell him on the way back from the lab to stop at the medical supply place for some IV nutrition as that's not something I keep in stock. Hannah also asks him to pick up a grocery order that she called in for ingredients that we don't keep on hand for some light soups and meals she'll ask the chef to make. I'm certain Hannah would rather make them herself but she knows her priority is her emotional state and others can doing the cooking...just not as well.

"Hannah, I need your advice as a woman...should we do as much as we can while she's out including changing her into a gown or wait?" Hannah's wrinkled face purses in thought..."could there be severe injuries under that gown that a treatment delay could make them worse or make them untreatable?"

"There could be."

then we should probably risk the surprise of being treated while she's asleep."

"Ok. then the plan is we cut the tee off (shoulders and sides).we'll get two drapes so i can exam without leaving her abdomen exposed and then we'll put her arms through the sleeves and try to get her covered before we get Bryce in to help move her so i can check her back and the back of her head for injuries." I pause thinking...she's going to need more than her back and head checked. But I don't want her waking up to feel violated if we go beyond the waist. She might need a gynecologist to exam her. I wonder if there's any local female ones around. I'll call around."

We continue with our plan and i'm shocked at her state...she's covered in scars. I do feel a lump on her head. but it could be old...we really need a CT or MRI but she needs to give consent.

By the time we finished the knees down and waist up exam and treatment, it's after midnight and I've already done a nearly full shift at the hospital. So I ask Molly to come in so Hannah can rest and I go lie down with the door open to get a 20 minute nap - Antonio has also come up. So I decide he can stay there while Bryce rests either in his room or in hospital room. 

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