6 - Hypnosis

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Frank's POV

I walk into the room and the girl seems to have calmed down. I signalled to Hannah and she goes to the girl...I wish we had a name to call her. The girl seems too close to bad girl.

Hannah brings over some pillows and asks if she can help her sit up and then asks if she can next to her. The girl looks over at her and nods. Hannah moves one of my chairs to her right side and sits next to her. Then she says "Is it Ok if I hold your hand?" The girl looks at her hand, pauses and then nods. Hannah continues as she pats her hand..."Molly is going to be back in a little while with a bottle of water and some soup for you, is there anything you can't eat or are allergic to?"

The girl shakes her head and also seems a bit confused that she would be offered food. Maybe it's time of night, but we know she hasn't eaten for about 6 hours. And this is one of the distraction techniques we had come up with to calm her down if she got agitated. As she rightfully was after that debacle with that evil woman. I noticed that Hannah had put her phone away like she had texted, probably to Molly. That woman thinks of everything. In a minute or so, Antonio walks in and sits down in the furthest chair from the girl. Hannah is making small talk And a couple minutes later, there's a soft knock on the door. I nod to Antonio, and he opens the door to get the tray from Molly. I hear a soft whisper and I hear Molly walking down the hall to the spare hospital room...probably to rest while she can.

Hannah gets up but i signal her to sit down and I grab the bedside table. And place the tray on it, on it Molly had provided a mug of chicken noodle soup, (mug, definitely hannah's idea) a spoon napkin cup, straws and unopened bottle of water...i feel it. and it's just slightly chilled, perfect. I place the tray on the table and start rolling it over.

"Would you like me to open the bottle for you?" I had insisted that any drinks be in unopened containers just in case she's concerned. She looks at Hannah and Hannah says.

"I'm afraid, i'd just have to pass it to one of the boys. I always do."

She nods, so I open the bottle and ask..would you like a cup or the bottle. She points to the bottle so i go to get the the straw and go to open it. Then I decide to pause and look at Hannah. Hannah reaches for the straw..."Now this I can open." and makes a big show of opening it to place it in the water bottle - i think I see an almost smile from the girl. She seems to have quieted down some..I think the "mind reading" gave her strength to talk more than she normally would...because she didn't realize she was talking.

the girl tries to reach for the bottle, but has trouble with the monitors.

Hannah, "let me help you honey." she picks up the water bottle and holds it up so the girl can take a sip from the straw.

Hannah "slow down...don't drink so fast that you'll choke. No one will take this from you. It's all yours" the girl takes a breath and Hannah puts the bottle down for a second to ask. "Would you like to try some of this soup. It's my recipe but I didn't make it myself" the girl looks at her hands and Hannah says..."we can put a straw in it for you to drink the broth...slowly... so you don't burn yourself and if you're ok with it, I can feed you. I mean the boys could feed you to..but you'd probably end up with noodles in your hair" I definitely heard a giggle that time. I love Hannah.

the girl points to the straw, and Hannah opens it (again with a big show) and picks up the mug..."now remember, small sips...this is hot." the girl nods and take a sip - she smiles. What a smile...I've seen it before...but I don't remember where. "I'm glad you like it." Hannah says and smiles.

After a couple minutes, Hannah asks...would you like some more water. And the girl nods and Hannah puts the mug down and picks up the bottle of water. Then she sets it back down again. "Would you like to try some of the noodles" The girl looks contemplative and nods...so Hannah reaches for the spoon and picks up the mug and feeds her a couple bites. Antonio and I are both looking at our phones so as to give the girl privacy, but after a few minutes we hear the girl says "Full" and Hannah says "are you sure?" the girl nods. Based on her level of emancipation, she's probably can't handle a normal 3 big meals a day. looks like she drank about 1/2 the broth, and a 3/4s of the bottle of water. Hannah says...we'll leave the water bottle here, in case you get thirsty later. She goes to clean up the table and even manages to dab the girl's face with the napkin. The girl definitely is opening up to her. And now is my time to break the peace.

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