8 - synopsis of chapter 7

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I've unpublished chapter 7....it was a bit too rough describing the consequences of years of sexual assault.  Scarring etc.  The scene of him discovering the evidence is why I couldn't get the dream out of my head (i actually tamed it down some for the story as it was way too much and more nightmare than dream)...but it shouldn't be in yours. I might republish it...IDK...right now, I can't. 

Here is the synopsis...She consents to have her lower body examined by Frank while she's in a hypnotic state so she isn't as scared. He discovers evidence of years of torture scarring as well as sexual assault and manages to collect some samples of her rapists DNA because the evil doctor had used toilet paper to keep sperm in after her last rape which occurred on a monthly basis at the house at Georges street. Based on this, he begins to suspect that the evil doctor might have been trying to have the girl impregnated and there was more to this than it already horrifically is. 

Note...I promise...If I finish this story... it will be a happy ending...If I do not finish, please write your own headcanon of whatever happy ending you wish. 

Last scene from chapter 7 (Frank's POV)

Her buttocks are so inflamed i don't know how she's been able to lie on them. i treat and bandage what looks to be more whip marks...she's not going to like treating those as the bandages will need to be changed. and as i raise my eye ups I see something scarred at the base of her spine...looks like letters...


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