Halloween Night

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(Y/n POV)

It was Halloween night and you were getting ready to go to Lila to watch a horror movie while her kid and his friend go out for trick or treating. But when you were getting ready to go to Lila's house you heard a noise down stairs. You went to go see what that noise was and grab your bat on your way down. When you went down stairs you saw nothing but your window open. 'You don't remember opening the window.' As You thought to your self. So you just closed the window and locked it and put your bat back were it was. You then went looked at the time to see it was 6:20pm, you promised Lila that you would be their at 6:30. You had 10 minutes left. So you went to your kitchen to grab your coat and your keys and left to go to Lila's house. So you could be their a little bit early. It normally take you 5 minutes to walk to Lila's house so you were going to get their so you were going to be their 5 minuets early. But when you went to the kitchen you didn't notice a tall shadow figure in the shadows.

When you got at Lila's house, you saw her wave to her kid and his friend goodbye. She then notice that you were their and said "Hey Y/n are you ready for are horror movie tonight?" "Yeah I'm ready but are you sure that your kid and his friend will be ok out their. I mean their is a cereal killer running around." " What do you mean?" As she sounded so confused. "Didn't you hear that Bob Velseb escaped prison just a few weeks ago?" She looked at you with a concerned look on her face. "Are you sure that he escaped from prison? I mean maybe people are trying to scare others saying that Bob Velseb got out." She sound like she didn't want to believe that Bob had escaped from prison. "Well now I think about it, it could just be people trying to scare people and it would be on the news if he did get out." You were now convinced that Bob hadn't escaped prison but little did you know he had escaped prison and was wanting a snack. You than changed the topic because you wanted to know what movie you guys were watching. Lila told you that you can pick the movie so that she can make you guys so popcorn and grab some candy for the movie. As you were picking the movie you felt you were being watched. You than got up to look out the window to see if someone was their. As you looked out the window you saw man that was hearing a red turtleneck and had horns on as well. You weren't able to see his face thought because for some reason he was running as fast as he could. You than went back to pick the movie you wanted and Lila came back with the popcorn and candy.

(45 minutes into the movie)

You began to hear heavy breathing. You took it was part of the movie when you first started to hear the heavy breathing but it didn't stop for 5 minutes. You when looked at the window to nothing was there and that you told your self that you were probably hallucinating, due to the lack of sleep. You told Lila that you were tired and was going to go home. You than thanked her for inviting you to her house to have a movie night. As you were about to leave Skid and Pump had just got back from being out trick or treating. They told Lila and you that they got to go in a haunted house and got a lot of candy. Before you left you gave Skid and Pump a piece of candy and gave you a hug and thanked you for the candy. You then said your goodbyes and headed home. You didn't have to walk long as your house was just a few houses down the street. When you got have way to you house you stared to hear footsteps. You looked to see if anyone was there but nobody was there. You than started you go faster to your house, you than heard a clicking that sounded like it came from a camera. You started to run to you house. As you got to your front porch you fumbled with the keys and trying to open the door. You had finely got your door open and get into your house for safety and you locked the door. You were so tired but manage to get to your room. You flopped on your bed but it was warm and your room was a mess. But you didn't care you just wanted to sleep but you couldn't so you just layed their with your eyes closed.

(Bob's POV)

I was able to get in through a window that was unlock when y/n was leaving but they realized that their window was open and closed and lock it. So I unlocked the back door so I could come back in bring the middle of the night. But I was able to be in Y/n's house and got to lay in their bed for 30 minutes before I went to look for y/n's whereabouts. When I finely found them, they were looking at horror movies to watch with they friend Lila. Than Y/n got up from the couch and when to the window and looked out. I panicked and ran as fast as I could go hoping they didn't see me. I than went back to their house and started to go through their things. I did this for 10 minutes and than layed in their bed for 10 minutes before going back to watch y/n. I was able to get back to Lila house when that y/n was about to leave. I than followed them to their house. Y/n stoped and as able to look behind them. I run in the bushes to hind my self as they looked behind them. I than grabbed out a camera to take a picture of them. Must of heard the click sound from the camera because they started to run to their house. I was right behind them and slowed down to catch my breath. As I got closer I could see that y/n had fiddled with their key to get into the house and locked the door. But luckily I unlocked the back door so I could come in at night. When I got to y/n's room they were passed out. I gave them a kiss on their forehead and said " one day you'll be mine~ till than I'll stay in the shadows and watch you." I said that as I played with they hair. I than left a note that said 'Rose are red, Violet are blue, I never knew love till I met you~❤️' I than leave a rose by the note and leave. But I didn't know that y/n was still awake and heard the whole think.

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