The Strange Customer

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Hey the author here I'm sorry I've been gone I've been studying for mid terms and Ill be gone for a little bit longer but I'll make a Christmas chapter before Christmas and sorry this chapter is going to be shorter than I would like.


As you got to your bakery one of your employees were waiting outside the door for you to unlock. "Good morning Mike. How are you today?" You said to your friend. "I'm doing better than yesterday that for sure " He replied. Mike was always the first person to be at the your bakery. He had always came in before he had to work at Boy's & Grills. You unlocked the door and let him in. You told him that he would have to wait a bit for the coffee machine to get hot and for some of the fresh baked goods. He was always ok with that. He didn't mind talking to you. As you got the fresh goods out and the coffee machine going you were able to give Mike his coffee and sweets. Then he was on this way to work. You were now alone. . . . or that's what you thought. So you decided to bake so more sweets and have so for yourself.

(Bob POV)

I've been watch y/n bake sweets for an hour now. I wonder what their baking taste like. I could go in there if I wanted to but what would I buy? What if they ask me my name and why I'm wearing a mask. I could just say that I'm sick and that I just moved in. I could come up with a fake name. But what name sure I use. If I use a name close to my real name they'll figure it out it's me. How about Mick Thomson? That works with me. Good thing took the last guys wallet after I killed him. Good thing he had about $250 in his wallet. I'll just wait a little bit longer before going in. I sure be fine since it was only 7:45 and most people start coming in at 9:30 before work. I'll go in at 8:45.


I feel like someone has been watching me for the pass hour now but every time I look at the window no one is there. Maybe I'm paranoid be at 7:30 I know I saw someone outside the bakery and I know it wasn't apart of my imagination because they taped on the window.  Maybe it was a prank? No it was 7:30 in the morning nobody would get up that early in the morning to do a prank. An hour goes by and I still feel paranoid so I turned on the TV to watch the news and what the news had in store for me was unbelievable. They said that a serial killer cannibal named Bob Velseb had escape his prison cell and was on the loose. This made you even more paranoid. Just than you hear the door bell ring said that you had a customer. You had put on a smile and asked "What would you like to order sir?" Bob than replied "What would you recommend?" You than started to recommend your most popular sweets. Your favorite one was the pumpkin pie(or something different I just like pumpkin pie) So you suggested the pumpkin pie and your favorite drink sweet tea(or something different) Bob had ordered just that. You then asked "What is that name for the order?" Bob was silent that first than said "Mick ... Thomson." As you were getting his order in you try to make small talk. "I'm   y/n, it's nice to meet you.". . . "So Mick are you new here?" "Yeah I just moved in about a week ago." That's strange that's when that serial killer had escaped. You thought to yourself. You than asked him what made him come into your bakery so early in the morning. "Well I'll just a morning person I guess. I like to see the sun rise and if I'm being honest I'm looking at it right now" You had became a red tomato with how hard you were blushing. You than handed him his food and drink and he happily pay and gave you a $10 tip. But before he left he gave you his phone number. "Call me sometime and we could get to know each other better." You were blushing even more as he walked out of the bakery. You had than grabbed your phone and put in his number naming it Mick with a heart next to his name. You than had texted him and said

Y/n: Hey this is Y/n just wanted to put your phone number in.

Mick(Bob): Ok and hey are you free this weekend?

Y/n: Ya I'm free this weekend. Why do you asked?

Mick(Bob): Well I was thinking maybe be can go to the movies this weekend to spend so more time together.

Y/n: I would love too!

Mick(Bob): Great I'll pick you up at 5:00 on Saturday.

Y/n: That sounds good to me! See you than bye.

You were extremely excited for Saturday. You just need to wait for 3 more days til Saturday. To go on a Date with a stranger.

I just gave you a hint to what the next chapter will be! In the meantime I have to go to bed I have mid terms today.

Love Me~ (Bob Velseb x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now