The Nightmare

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(Y/n POV)

You had just heard everything the man has said and, had so many questions. But you were able to open your eyes to see what the man looked like when he was leaving but you couldn't really see him that well because of the lighting in the room. But You were still able to tell that he was hearing a pair of devil horns and had a red turtleneck. You weren't sure if the turtleneck was red but you thought that if he was hearing the devil horns that the turtleneck would be the same color. You didn't really know how he got in but your were very tired when you got home. You might of forget to close the door and he might of saw that the door was open and wanted to check if you were ok. You thought that he might of came from the party down the block because he was in a devil costume. But you didn't really think that much about it because you had work tomorrow. You had to get up early to open your Bakery. So you set your alarm clock to wake you up at 5:30. So you could get fresh baked goods out and get the coffee brewer ready. You had finely fell asleep


(Y/n Dream)

You had woke up in a dark forest. You didn't know where you were at. You started to walk around until you had stumbled to a old looking house. You had thought it was strange that a house was in the middle of nowhere. You just walked be the house but you ended up right back to the house very time you walked pasted it. You felt like the house was telling you to go in the house. After the tenth time passing the house you finally decided to go in the house. When you when into the house all you could smell was death. As you looked further into the house you could see a old looking sofa. It's springs where sticking out of the cushions. As you went up the stairs of the house it didn't really smell that bad. You when in a room that looked look like someone bedroom. The wallpaper was stained and was slowing coming off. As you looked around a little bit more you saw what looks a connected bathroom to the bedroom. In that bathroom you saw what looks like red face paint on the same counter and ... Blood in the bathtub. It looked like someone died in the tub. As you were looking in the bathroom you started to hear some noise down stairs. You got scared and started to look for a place to hind. You could hear the noise get louder and louder. While frantically looking for a place to hide. You decided to hide in the bed. The door slammed open and a guy walked in. He said in a low voice " I know your here. Come out, come out were very you are." You could feel the tears forming in your eyes. As you looked around you couldn't fine him. You thought to your self ' maybe he left?' But was pulled out of your thoughts as the man grabbed you by your ankles and pulled you out from under the bed. "Gotcha" In an angry voice. You then looked at the man who was holding you by your ankles. You notice that he was wearing red devil horns and had on a red turtleneck. You also realized that he was a bit chubby. You were into guys that were a bit chubby. But then you saw that he had a knife in his other hand and started to cry. You began begging to would let you go. He just stared at you and said "I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart~ I'm just gonna love ya~" You then started to look for anything you could use to make him let go. You were able to grab a pillow and hit him in the face with the pillow causing you to fall to the ground. He was surprise that you had fought back. This gave you a little of time to run. You ran down stairs and out of the house. But when you got outside you didn't notice the bear trap on the lawn. You accidentally stepped on one and it made you scream in pain. You then yelled "THESE WEREN'T HERE BEFORE" Out of frustrating. Than you tried to free yourself from the bear trap you didn't notice that the man was behind you. He grabbed you by your waste and throw you over his shoulder and started to walk back inside the house. You screamed and begging to be let go but he didn't listen and continue to go in the house. He was taking you to the bedroom again but before you two got in the bedroom you had woke up.
You were in a cool sweat and has hyperventilating. You when started to tell yourself "It was all just a dream" over and over again. As you finally calm yourself down you looked at you clock. It was only 4:30 am. You decided to take a long hot shower to make your day a little bit better. But before you got in the shower you saw a note and a rose on your night stand. The note said "Rose are red, violets are blue, I never knew what love was til I met you❤️~" You thought is was sweet that someone had a crush on you and left the note and rose. You then got into the shower. As you got in the shower you started to thing and remembered from lasted night that the someone stalking you and came into you house and started to play with your hair. You came to the conclusion that the person that came into your house was your stalker. You also remember what he said. Well a little bit of it. You started to think of what he meant about you being his. As you got out of the shower you looked at the time and saw it was only 5:30. You were a little bit hungry so you when into the kitchen and made yourself some breakfast. But when you got to the kitchen you had notice that your back door was wide opened. 'So that's how he got in.' You said to yourself as you shut the back door and locked it. You then make your favorite breakfast to eat. After you got finished eating, you decide to head out to your bakery to start your day.

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