Entry 3.

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Friday, March 3rd
Tonight, I decided that it would be a good night to go on a hunt for a homosexual politic to kill since I'm in my homophobic era. I managed to get to the building 15.43 seconds before the hazy bat-light came on. (I forgot to wipe the bang energy off of my glasses from my energy-drink-obsessed roommate, I call him the Rizzler because he picks up a great deal of bitches.) (I'm not schizophrenic I promise. I have a roommate. You just don't see him as much as I do) Continuing on, I saw Batman skidaddling towards me for burning down a retirement home before I came to kill a homo-tic (homosexual politic) (I love my job🙈💚). He held me down but released his hold with a disgusted look when I said that the gays love him. He allowed me to leave since he didn't want to be "infected" by the word "gay" (he's also in his homophobic era).

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