Entry 6.

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Saturday, March 11th
Me and Batman/Bruce Wayne (If you didn't know) have been spending time lately since we work together now (I'm working with THE Vengeance...!!! You think he'll lend me money? I need more weed since he confiscated all of mine...I still need to sell it to the kids at the elementary school..) The main reason I'm writing to you though is because he still spends more time with cat-woman than me. That whore is stealing my (platonic since I'm still homophobic..I think.) boyfriend.. clenches fist. She's always all over him.. I bet I'm better than her at dahoodTM!!!!!! I could totally beat her in a 1v1. Yesterday night, I went to Bruce's home (huge ass house by the way,) and of course, Alfred let me in because I was being such a nice guy (I gave him an autograph, I'm pretty famous online if you didn't know.) He hesitated at first though.. probably because of the time I mailed him a bomb and it broke is dick bone.. no more kids!! He tweeted me on Faceballs-book-whatever the hell, about how furious he was because now he can't fuck bitches. Anyway, As I went into the building, I rushed to Bruce's room and I saw him and cat-woman MAKING OUT.. WHAT THE HELL?! What surprised me even more was how he didn't have his suit on.. she knew who he was???? What the fuck? That was supposed to be between me and him... This is exactly why he's a beta wolf and I'm an alpha. I just wished he saw me as his alpha....crying wolf gif.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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