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"she not even allat" notti was talking about nena and how she tried to dm him the other day. "she a smooch, and she be around rpt" I told him as we walked inside the deli

"que bobo" he shook his head "not gon lie, I paid for you food last time so you gotta pay for mine this time" I told notti "and I payed for yours any other day so" he said with a little bit of sass

"Ok ma'am" I playfully rolled my eyes before walking off to get my snacks. I got takis,a Twix bar, a Kiwi strawberry Arizona, and a chopped cheese ona roll.

"bro ion wanna go to school" notti whined "you saying this now that we across the street from it?" I side eyed him. "can we skip first period?" He asked "sure" I said "rea— no nigga" I said cutting him off.

He sucked his teeth and walked off "waitt i got ur food!!" I yelled once I realized our food was in the same bag.

"You didnt wanna skip this boring ass class right? now look at you bored as fuck" notti laughed. "Shut the fuck up" I mumbled before taking another bite of my food.

"lemme get some" notti said "no. choke on my dick" I rolled my eyes and said. Notti nodded before saying "aii, be like that. Don't ask why I'm not talking to you"

"Im jokin.. here" I said giving him half of the half. He smiled and ate it.

Once class ended me and notti went separate ways.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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