Chapter 10

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A rush of emotions filled my mind as I look at Tyrell. I felt relief that he was still alive and well but also fearful of what whoever is behind this will do next. I grabbed Tyrell giving him a tight hug, my face wetting his shoulder with tears.

"I-I am glad you're safe, I've been worried sick about you."

I spoke before releasing him from the hug.

"So worried you didn't call me?"

He joked.

"I've been busy, Wakanda made me a scientist for them because of the acid."

"So they kidnap you then gave you a job? Why not just send an email or some shit?"

Tyrell asked which I couldn't answer, I was too caught up in how much I missed his sassy ass.

"Aiyanna you're awake."

Enwo spoke, she was locked up in a cell opposite of mine. I could see Shuri in there as well leaning against the wall still in pain.

"Glad you guys are okay to- wait a minute, where the hell is my wig Enwo?"

I asked seeing no trace of it in their cell.

"Um I guess it got knocked off when I was ya know fighting for my life."

"So we're calling you getting bashed in the head by a racist 'fighting for your life'?"

I joked which Enwo simply just shook her head and flipped me off.

"I can't believe it..."

Shuri spoke weakly.

"That person... it couldn't be him."

Shuri stared blankly seeming to be in a trance.

"You saw the person who kidnapped us? Who was it?"

I asked curiously.

"It was Killmonger ."

She said bluntly which from what I heard was someone who challenged T'challa for the throne and is the reason why Shuri had to recreate the herb herself. The pieces were not connecting however, Killmonger died and plus the silhouette I seen was a woman.

"Shuri it's not him, the body was female."

I said trying to reassure her but it seemed not to help.

"I'm sure we'll fig-"

I stopped talking when I heard footsteps coming towards us. A white woman with jet black hair with a white streak in it stood in front of the cells followed by U.S agent and henchmen with guns.

"Rise and shine."

The woman said with a smile that seemed nice but the foul intent leaked through.

"Who the hell are you?"

I asked standing up and gripping the bars before I was electrocuted by one of the henchmen. I fell to my knees in pain shaking.

"I'm the one doing the speaking here, my name is Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. It's good to finally meet you Aiyanna y/n, you know I was there for your speech it was some powerful stuff. I can't believe a college student would finally be the key to taking down Wakanda once and for all."

She spoke squatting down to get to my level. I look at her and spit in her face.

"Fuck you."

I spat with a grin before getting electrocuted again. Valentina chuckled wiping the spit away.

"Hah cute, it's good you haven't lost your spirit yet. You're going to need all your strength for when you recreate the Vibranio acid."

She stood back up and looked at her henchmen signaling them to retrieve me. They opened the cell door and I attempted to fight back as hard as I could but they were too strong.

Heart shaped herb  (SHURI X YANNA) Where stories live. Discover now