meeting him

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Next morning

You woke up and get ready because you were going shopping with komi
You went to meet up with komi you guys were talking and then you saw her brother behind her she grabbed her notebook and wrote "do you want to meet him?" you said "yeah if he wants" you said calmly but inside your brain you were saying"yes yes yes" shousuke was introducing his self to you after that you guys went shopping komi had to go to the bathroom so you were alone with shousuke you said " where is komi she is taking forever " then shousuke said "probably stuck in line there is a line in the bathroom " you looked and you saw there was a line a few minutes komi was done so you guys went shopping and ate after that komi has an errand to run so shousuke took you home while walking you said "can I have your number not because I need to but I want to be friends with you me and komi have been friends since children and im not that close to you but maybe we can be friends " you said he said "ok" you handed your phone to him and he typed his number you were already at your house you guys said bye but before you entered you house shousuke said "Maybe we should hang out some time you know to get to know each other better " you nodded you head once you were blushing while eating with your family they asked is something wrong you said "nothing nothings wrong" your said "ok if you say so" but your older brother decided to tease you and said "oo~ whose the boy" you were mad at him before you could say something your mom yelled and said "WHAT BOY!" Your brother said "the boy that was walking y/n home" before your parents could say anything you said "he was komi's brother he walked me home because komi went on a errand" the room was silent and then you got ready and went to sleep.

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