time to tell shousuke's parents

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You and Shousuke have arrived at his house komi lets the two of you in you saw his mom and dad sitting once you saw hi dad you were already scared shousuke notices and  held your hand while his mom there is just smiling like a killer smile you were already scared but things got a bit worse his grandmother walked in the kitchen too but you were a bit calm because you komi and shousuke practiced last night and you know that they are always there for you things were going good you were introducing your selfs then his grandmother asked a question that left you speechless  "when do you plan on getting married" then a light blush appeared on your cheeks even shousuke was a bit flustered but Komi's mom changed the topic and that question was never answered then you decided to sleep with shousuke in his room you guys talked about the day the just cuddled to sleep

extra part this was last night practicing with shousuke and komi (btw komi is talking here)

komi "come on y/n you can do it be calm we will be there for you"


shousuke "they will just be calm and be your self" 

then you threw a pillow towards your bed (btw you guys are at your house ) but it hit shousuke then you all have a pillow fight till you all fell asleep

hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter sorry if im not that active anymore but I will try to be active

have a nice day or night! </3

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