"Boys will be, boys will be, boys will be boys. But girls will be women"

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"What's so special about her?"

"No way did that old man want her here."

"First girl ever."

"What is she wearing?"

"Guys, stop it."

I could hear it. The whispers. They were different this time. Less directed at me. More suspicious. My body ached, but not really. My eyes felt heavy as if I couldn't open them, but not really. I ended up opening my eyes. Four looming faces. A bright light. Strange. Everything was strange.

"She's awake."


"I will murder you Edward!" I screamed. Someone laughed. Everything was a bit blurry. My vision slowly started to become more clear. Four boys stood next to my bed, I was on a bed, and they all were drop-dead gorgeous. The boy who stood to the extreme left had blondish hair, but not really blonde. More like really light brown, tipping towards blonde. His hair was poofed up from the front, so much so that you could barely see his forehead. He was tall. Taller than the others. His eyes were hazel, amazingly hazel. And his jawline? If I thought Edward had a sharp jawline I was hallucinating. This guy could cut someone with his jawline. Then there came the other guy who was standing next to Mr Jawline. He was slightly tanned, and had short, cropped hair. His eyes were brown, or black, I couldn't tell, and he was lean. Like really lean. Or maybe it was just because I was slightly fleshy. His eyelashes were really long. Dark black, slightly curled, beautiful, beautiful eyelashes. Mr Eyelashes. Then there was the dude next to Edward. He probably seemed the most real. He was shorter than the others. All of them. But still, he looked to be taller than me. He had midnight black hair. It looked windswept, as if he'd just come back from the beach. His eyes were pitch black as well, and I found them all the more interesting. It was strange that none of them had coloured eyes. But I wasn't complaining because if they did? It'd be like I was in a movie surrounded by coloured eyed freaks. Not everyone had crystal blue or sea green eyes y'all. He looked dark, this boy, but it made him all the more exciting. And then there was Edward. He stood there with an amused expression on his face.

"With what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I frown, and then realise that he's just following through with the comment I had not-so-nicely yelled.

"My hands, if I have to. What am I doing here?" I jolt up from the bed.

"Introductions first," Edward claps his hands. I glare at him.

"This," he points at Mr Jawline, "is Lucian." Lucian doesn't smile or wave. He just stares at me. I stare back. He looks away. Point, Avery.

"And this," he points at Mr Eyelashes, "is Max. Lucian's ride or die." Edward guffaws as if it's funny. Max doesn't even look at me. Harsh. These people kidnapped me and now they won't even look at me? If that's how they want to play, I'll play.

"And finally," he looks at Dark Mayhem, "Yoland." Yoland looks up. He smiles as well.

"Hey. Sorry about the inconvenience caused." He says, his velvety voice oozing formality and confidence, and walks out of the room, Max and Lucian trailing after him. Okay. So that just happened. They may be heart throbbingly handsome, but they sure had hearts made of rock. Edward on the other hand, well, I could probably listen to his voice forever and ever and never get bored of it.

"They'll warm up to you. I hope," Edward has the courtesy to look ashamed.

"Awesome. Just what I want. For them to 'warm up to me',"I roll my eyes, "what's a girl gotta do to get a proper explanation and welcoming around here?"

"Change your gender." Edward says, all poker faced.

"Wait...you're joking right?" He turns around and leaves. "Edward! Tell me you're joking, damn it!"

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this! 

Sorry if this chapter's a bit short...it's the only way I could think of a way to end it...

Lemme know what you think of the story so far! 

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