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Somewhere in Japan

On top of an abandoned building

3 figures are are watching the city below while talking to one another

???: Why do we have to be stationed in this place again?

???: I don't know.

???: You 2 just shut up. Lord Kokabiel wanted us in Japan. So it must be important.

???: I know its orders from Lord Kokabiel but, why does he needs lots of us Fallen Angels here?

???: I don't know, I'm just following orders as you guys are. Do you honestly think I know more then you?

The 3 fallen angels then stopped talking to one and just continued watching the city below

After a few minutes, they suddenly hards footsteps approaching behind then

The 3 fallen angels turned around and sees someone with a long flowy red cape, long black hair and a hat

The 3 fallen angels turned around and sees someone with a long flowy red cape, long black hair and a hat

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The 3 fallen angels then created spears made of light

Fallen Angel 1: Who the fuck are you!?

???: I should be asking you that question. After all, you pigeons are standing in my territory.

Fallen Angel 2: Heh! This guy must be insane. We can sense your energy, and you aren't yokai. You aren't even a god. Japan is ruled by the Shinto Faction.

???: Really? Hmm so those animals decided to claim Japan again. Well I could care less. I will give you birds till the count of 3. to get the fuck out of my country.

Fallen Angel 3: Yeah how about you eat this!!!

The third fallen angel threw his lightspear at the unknown person.
Before the spear could hit, it was suddenly shot down by a rifle behind the caped person

???: I gave you a chance to leave, but now.

Suddenly 5 more rifles appeared behind the caped person.

???: But now you will die!!!

The rifles then started firing st the fallen Angels

2 of the fallen angels managed to evade the rifle shots while the other 1 didn't get so lucky and turned into feathers a few seconds after getting killed

Fallen Angel 1: Fuck!! You little bastard!!!

The fallen angel then rushed at the stranger, the fallen angel created another lightspear and prepared to stabbed the caped stranger.

The moment the fallen angel got close, he suddenly sees a gun pointed at his face

???: Jackpot.


The fallen angel was sent flying with his head totally blown off

Fallen Angel 2: You son of a bitch!!!

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