Narrator narrates

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As y/n countinues to think about how she's "not like other girls" she couldn't realize that class was already over and only realized this when the teacher called her cause she didn't leave class when everyone else did.

She was walking all around the school looking for her friends who were looking for her too. After some time she finally finds them in a hallway at *insert part of school here* they all decided to go to the rooftop to eat lunch together.

After they arrive at the rooftop y/n looked to the skies and started singing fight song for no clear reasons which absolutly destroyed her friends and anyone else on the rooftop and 4th floors ears. Even after the massacre of everyones ear she didn't even apologize for her actions she just BrOcKeNlY ate her food in a way thats just NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRlS like how do you even eat brockenly, i don't understand. Anyways, the nurses office was pretty full cause of y/ns action and a lot of people knew about this incident cause it affected so many people.

After that incident and everybody got healed of the effects it was now time for the second class of the day. They got there just in time thankfully when class just almost started.

The teacher arrived with a few students that were late to her class and the few extra people that were not given a name just sat down on the ground with everyone else and class beginned.

"Hi im Ms Finansia welcome to the uh... second lesson of the day where we attempt to use magic and not blow ourselves up" she says happily going to teach a bunch of kids on how to use weapons. Before the class actually finally started she proceeds to give an incredibily long speech on their safety, which, of course Ms Im NoT lIkE oThEr GiRls didn't listen too like she wanted to die or something.

Now class ACTUALLY beginned and Ms Finansia shows them how to use basic spells and stuff like that simple things. Y/n struggled with the basic spells hardly being able to even create even just a small bit of was just shown to her. Now you maybe questioning on why y/n isn't able to do what was just shown to her even though she's so perfect, well its because she's ment to be incredible at everything and terrible at everything to confuse readers and distract them from the fact that she is a total mary sue with over a thousand love interest that 99% of the time has a bad boy thats only saving grace is his good looks.

Anyways, after the she tried over a thousand times well actually 998 times to do the spells she finally does the spells as a super scary be afraid monster appears and starts attacking everyone. But before Ms Finansia the highly experienced in magic and more trusted person could do anything Y/n a new to magic person and no one knows and trust proceeds to one shot insta kill it with her own spell she created on the spot called the "mary sue bomb" which absolutly shocked everyone cause it takes a highly experienced person years to create a spell of their own yet Y/n with a few hours of experience, seconds to create her own highly complex spell.

Class finished after that and Ms Finansia checked everyone for any injurys they might have gotten and everyone left school to go home after that cause its the first day only two classes and alot more after that.

y/n and the narratorWhere stories live. Discover now