Chapter II

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She wasn't only a threat, she was THE threat.
If only with her own blood, she kept herself young for so long, when she'll start luring others, she'll be able to achieve many things.
It was a matter of time until the greens found out about her, they had to keep her on their side at any cost, even unite the two houses if it was needed.
They were to show up in King's Landing tomorrow, they couldn't bring her there only if they would have presented her as Jacaerys betrothal since they appeared to be around the same age. Well...she looked older by one year or two but that didn't matter enough for anyone to actually care, and with such a dragon as Grey-Ghost, she wouldn't have remained there either.
The girl seemed eager to meet as many dragon riders as possible, rebond with her lost culture, the ones she shared the same blood with.

"Well?" The girl broke the silence and remained staring for another few moments at the couple situated in front of the fireplace as she stood still in front of the painted table.
They were whispering to each other back and forth, from time to time glancing at her but none of the white-haired couple showed any signs of addressing her a word.
"Can I at least get some food? You two don't seem to stop anytime soon and I'm not gonna lie that I'm quite starving."

Rhaenyra was the first one to fully turn her attention over her, she cleared her throat and walked over to her.
"Of course, it's almost mealtime. We'll all gather together and dine, you'll be our guest."

Merilya nodded as a thought couldn't leave her head, so she finally mustered the courage and asked since no one was gonna bring it up.
"Do you believe me?" She asked in a trembling voice not sure if she'll react the same as the man did.
She always feared that people would never believe her, first her family and now she was fearing that the ones she was sharing the same blood with, won't either.

"It's somewhat hard to do, but I suppose nothing is impossible."

"Believe it or not, I am telling the truth."

"Then how have you managed to survive the doom, girl?" Daemon eventually spoke.

"Back then, magic wasn't such a rare thing, we indeed used it for bonding with our dragons, not in my case though because I've only claimed my dragon after the doom, being apart of one of the most important families from Valyria, I had access to the most secret spells and rituals. While the others were occupied with their dragons, I was learning those…I had a vision, just as your ancestor, Daenys the Dreamer, your house had left for Dragonstone when no one listened to them since they weren't a noble house, there was no point in trying myself as well. I wasn't even bonded with a dragon, everyone would have called me mad.
I started with candles at first when I had casted the first spell, then casted spell after spell using my actual blood in rituals until the fire didn't have any effect upon me, so I waited, I wanted to live more than anything, I was fearing the stranger, but if my time was to come, I would at least go along with my family.
It was pure cruelty, seeing your loved ones burn one after another. I curse the gods every single day for taking everyone away from me and leaving me all alone."

"I believe her, Daemon. This is no story you can simply make up from learning history books" Rhaenyra stated, placing her hand over the man's and stroking it.
"I'm sorry for you, child, you went through a lot."

"Technically, she's older than us." Daemon whispered to her and Rhaenyra nodded, clearing her throat.

"Both of you are dragon riders…are there others?" She asked, watching them with prying eyes hoping to be true. At least she knew of one more, the one Grey-Ghost took her away from, that was clearly a dragon roar.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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