-Has that day come?-

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Y/N pov:

I've been living with the Sanderson sisters for a few months now, and my feelings for Sarah just keep getting bigger. But the strange thing is that this whole week, she always goes out. Without her telling me or me going with her. Whenever she wanted to go out, I went with her, but now... she wants to be alone. But she is not sad at all or anything like that.

Otherwise, nothing has changed. Mary talks to me when she needs something, and Winnie does the same. Sometimes.

I sit on the bed and think. I'm thinking about what will happen next in my life. I suddenly thought of Sarah and how I was sitting outside with her.

Y/N stop it! This is what goes through your mind every day. I can't even think of a single thing where Sarah isn't. I took a deep breath and when I started trying to think about something else, I thought of Sarah again and I just felt myself blushing.

But damn Y/N, really, stop it! Well, I'll try to stop thinking now and go write my diary. I have it almost completely written because I write it down as I think about Sarah every day. I started writing and when I finished it, I hid it again in a place where no one would find it.

Suddenly I heard the door close, so I went to look. Mary and Winnie were not here, no one was here. "Do I have a house to myself?" I asked myself. "Who said?" It was said by Sarah who scared me from behind. She just giggled and so did I.

"When did you manage to come?" I asked Sarah. "Just a moment ago." Sarah smiled at me and I said, "It's pretty quiet here now. I'm not complaining, just so you know." I smiled.

"Don't you want to go somewhere now? For example, to the forest or somewhere." Sarah asked me and I just nodded in agreement. "Well...we can go." I opened the door but Sarah took her broom and said, "Fine...catch me when you can." Sarah quickly sat on the broom and began to laugh and fly away.

Since I don't want anything to happen to her, I quickly ran after her. We were both laughing and having a lot of fun and when she finally decided to get off the broom she came up to me and said, "It's amazing that you've been running after me for so long."

Sarah smiled and I stopped so I could finally get some air and I said, "Do you think I'd leave you? No way. Like if I had to confess I'd give the whole world for you. I'd do practically anything just to make you smile." I smiled at Sarah who was in shock and asked me "Why would you do that?" Sarah asked me incomprehensibly and I just smiled and said "Because you helped me and you are the only thing I have in my life. You're my only best friend I've had in this life" Sarah was always in shock and I just smiled and then it dawned on me.

Did I really tell Sarah half my feelings for her? "Alright... so if you don't mind, I'm going to sit down for a bit because I feel like I've run half a forest." I smiled at Sarah and when I sat down, she sat down with me. I heard her breathing and I slowly felt her head on my shoulder.

About 5 minutes passed and then Sarah said, "I also feel like we should go back." I agreed with her and that's when she took my hand and said, "Come. Let's fly around a bit." I just couldn't refuse, so I said, "Alright, but don't you dare let me go." Sarah just nodded her head and giggled.

We sat on the broom and I sat in the front and Sarah was behind me. She was very close to me and I only noticed how I was blushing, but I'm very lucky that I'm in the front and she doesn't see it.

When we flew, the air was colder and I started to feel more cold. Sarah noticed this and gave me her coat and said, "I don't want you to catch a cold." Sarah smiled at me and I smiled at her and thanked her.

When we arrived home, luckily no one was there. I heard Sarah talking by herself. That's when I heard Sarah say to me, "Y/N, do you mind if I leave now?" I looked at Sarah confused and said, "Sure, but where do you need to go?" Sarah looked scared and said, "Please can I explain it to you when I get home?"

I was completely fine, but I wondered where Sarah was in such a hurry, but I said, "Yes, fine. I'll be waiting for you" I smiled at Sarah who thanked me and left. 5 minutes passed and I always had the feeling that I forgot to give something to Sarah and that's when I realized.

The cloak. Damn it!

I have to return it to her as soon as possible because I really care about her and I don't want her to catch a cold. So I quickly ran outside and when I was looking for her I suddenly heard her talking. I took off her coat and then I got a good opportunity to tell her. I will tell her that I like her.

I took a deep breath and then when I saw her I saw her kissing with another boy. Well of course...what could I expect? Of course no girl is in love with another girl. I'm really stupid sometimes.

I felt a tear coming down my face on my cheek, but I immediately wiped it off and left. I came back inside and Winnie and Mary were already there.

"Where have you been?" Winnie asked me. "Just walking around outside. Nothing else." I hung up Sarah's cloak and then Winnie noticed it and asked me, "Where is Sarah?" I looked at Winnie calmly and said, "She wanted to stay out longer."

"And what about her coat? She would never go out without it." Winnie told me a little angrily, and I calmly said again, "I was cold and she gave it to me and I accidentally forgot to give it back to her."

At that time, I didn't want to discuss it any further, so I went to the room. I felt my anger and how it was bursting my heart but I have to wake up to reality. But...I guess I'll give up. Or not? Should I keep trying or should I just let it go?

I'll think about it...

(Hi! Do you think Y/N will give up or keep trying? Write in the comments and we'll see who will be right. Otherwise, I apologize that this part took a long time and it's short but I didn't know what to add there. I also apologize if there are any mistakes that I did not notice. If you have any ideas about what could happen in the next part, feel free to write to me. Ok! That's all I wanted to write to you <3 I wish you a nice rest of the day/night <3)

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