Chapter 5: The darkest day

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Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

I need you and your friends to come to Canterlot!

Bring the elements of Harmony with you.

It's an emergency!

Yours truly,

Princess Celestia

'Oh no! Quick Spike, we have to grab the elements and get to the others.'

'Alright Twilight! You can count on your number one assistent!'.

Spike grabbed the elements and followed Twilight.

Before they reached the door, I called.

'Wait! Let me go with you, please.'

'I don't think that will be a good idea. Me and my friends have got this, we have the elements so we are ready for whatever awaits us. It's safer for you to stay here.'

'No, please, you have to let me come with you. What if something has happened to the princesses. And princess Luna is my friend. I can't just stay here. I would be a terrible pony if I wasn't there for them.'

It was silent for a moment.

'Well, ok then,' Twilight said.

Twilight didn't look like she was really sure about it.

'Thank you Twilight!'

We left the house, on our way to the first of Twilight's friends.

The first building we arrived at was Sugarcube Corner.

It was thè place to be if you wanted to go eat something sweet with your friends or to attend one of the many parties that get thrown there.

Twilight told me her friend Pinky Pie lived here.

She knocked on the door.

I was half-hidden behind her. It didn't take long before the door opened, and a pink pony appeared. She had a dark pink curly mane and tail, and smelled like candy. This must be Pinky Pie. Just like Twilight had, she had bags under her eyes. Yet she was very energetic, and talked very fast and loud.

'Twilight! I thought you said you weren't coming to my party, I'm so happy you are here! When I had invited everypony and no one was coming, I thought nopony liked my parties, but now you are here and now we can party together! We can do fun games and eat lots and lots of cake together, and...'

I saw her looking in my direction, and our eyes met for a brief moment. I hid further behind Twilight, hoping she hadn't seen me, but obviously she did.

She gasped and ran back inside.

'Pinky! I'm not here for a party. Come back, it's important!'

Twilight sighed when Pinky disappeared inside.

I raised an eyebrow. 'Is she always like this?' I whispered.

Twilight nodded.

'She can be very random. I wish she would just listen to me now.'

When Pinky returned, she had a party hat on and a party canon with her.

'I have never seen you before and I know everypony in Ponyville, so that means you must be new here and if you are new here that means you have no friends, and if you have no friends you must be lonely, so I will throw a welcome party like I always do when I meet somepony new and you are going to meet lots and lots of ponies and make new friends and...'

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