Scaramouche X Reader

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This AI makes the stories in a different way from the previous one. It won't make too much sense at first but later it makes more sense, for an AI-written story.


Scaramouche was recently defeated by the traveler after becoming a god. A few weeks later, Y/n finds him heavily injured in a secluded part of the Sumeru Rainforest. 

They brings his unconscious body home with them and takes care of him, making sure that he doesn't die.

This continues for several months until they are attacked.  Y/n fights against the assailant, but it ends badly when it attacks with claws. 

They manage to escape and return home, where they find Scaramouche unconscious on the ground. His condition worsens as time goes on and before long he has lost too much blood. 

Y/n rushes around trying to figure out what happened. What should they do? Should they call a healer? What if there's no one who can help him? Why did this happen? Why did this happen to him?

Tears fill their eyes as they try to keep themself together. Eventually, they hear a noise from behind them and turn around to see Scaramouche looking at them with a smile.

"Oh thank God, you're alright!" Y/n cries. "I thought I had lost you."
Scaramouche laughs lightly and responds, "That's quite the claim to make considering my current state."

Y/n wipes the tears off of their face and says, "Sorry, I'm just so worried about you."

"Well you don't have to be. I won't go anywhere without you."

Scaramouche's sentence sends chills through Y/n. How does he know how they feel about each other?

Y/n looks into his eyes with teary eyes and asks,
"How can you say that? You need help and I can't bring myself to leave you like this."

Scaramouche reaches up and cups     Y/n's face gently. He closes his eyes and leans forward slightly. The kiss lasts only seconds before Scaramouche pulls back and looks down.

"What are we doing?" He asks himself. "We don't even know each other."

Before Y/n can respond, Scaramouche quickly gets up and grabs the bag with supplies they brought with them from the cart.

"You go get some rest. I'll be fine here." Scaramouche tells Y/n. "Don't worry about me."

Y/n gives him a skeptical look but doesn't argue. They decide to let him deal with whatever's happening to him for now and get some rest. 

As Y/n walks away, they look over their shoulder and watch him walk away. They think he's beautiful when he's like that.

When they reach their house, they collapse onto their bed.  Y/n tosses and turns all night, thinking about how lucky they were not to be infected by what Scaramouche was dealing with.

When morning comes, Y/n wakes up feeling exhausted, but also really happy. For once everything went right! Scaramouche is alive, everything is good again.

However, Scaramouche isn't at the front door waiting for Y/n to come home.  That could mean many things...
Like Scaramouche died last night, or maybe he woke up and left for parts unknown.

Y/n decides to check outside and find out.  They open the door quietly and step outside. There, they find an empty field. No sign of Scaramouche, no signs of any kind of animal either.

Y/n begins to panic. Where else would Scaramouche run off to?

Y/n calls his name, hoping he hears it, but no response comes.  They go inside to grab their backpack and head out searching the area for any trace of Scaramouche.

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