Xiao X Reader (Part 1)

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I was practically fighting the Ai at a few parts just to get the storyline going and to have it make sense especially with the setting of the story.


Y/n was very tired. They have been traveling from Mondstadt to Liyue for a few days now, with little sleep. Up ahead they see what is known as the Wangshu Inn, a place which provides rest and food.

Y/n looks forward to eating something good, maybe even a bath. It's a long journey and sometimes their stomach hurts so much that they want to throw up. But they need to keep going, especially if they are going to reach their destination.

They enter the inn and go to the counter to pay for their room.
"Here's your room number," says the waitress, placing a key on the counter, "Room number four. There are some new rooms being added tomorrow."

"Thank you, miss." Y/n smiles politely before moving towards the door, where a sign says "Room 4".

They walk through the hall and up the stairs until they reach the floor. Y/n opens the door to the right and walks inside. Their eyes scan the room, it seems to be fairly clean. There is a small bed near the window, and there is one chair beside the bed.

They open the drawer and see some spare clothes in there. After changing into the spare set of clothes, they decide to head down to the restaurant for some much needed food.

Y/n heads downstairs and sees many different types of foods in front of them. It almost reminds Y/n of the market back home. Y/n grabs a menu and starts scanning the foods. After several minutes Y/n finally finds what they want to eat.

"What can I get you to drink?" A young girl asks. Y/n puts the menu down.
"I'll just take a water, thanks." Y/n says.

The waitress walks away and returns shortly after with a glass of water. Y/n drinks from it slowly.

"Your food will be out soon!" Says the young waitress before leaving again. Y/n looks around the restaurant. It seems like most of the customers are talking among themselves while having lunch. It makes the atmosphere feel friendly, and a little comforting.

As they continue looking around, Y/n notices one of the restaurant staff bringing what seems to be a plate of almond tofu up the stairs.

'Huh, I thought the inn didn't do delivery orders at this time,' they thought.

A bit later, the waitress comes back with a plate of sushi rice.
"Here you go, dear! Enjoy!" The waitress hands the plate to Y/n and leaves again.

Y/n picks up their chopsticks and takes a bite. 'Oh wow... This is really good!' They quickly finish the plate, enjoying every second of it.

After paying for the meal, Y/n climbs back up the stairs, ready to get some rest. But as they are walking to their room, they spot someone standing on the balcony eating almond tofu.

Deciding that it would be a good idea to get some fresh air before bed, Y/n steps out onto the balcony. They stare at the moon for awhile and think about everything that has happened over the last few days.

They were attacked when they were on their way to Inazuma Village, then they were kidnapped by a group called the Phantom Thieves. They were able to escape and get back home, but now all of these horrible things seem to be happening again.

Y/n sighs and rubs their face. They look up at the sky and notice that the moon is full tonight. They smile softly and close their eyes.

"Hey, human." A voice calls out. Y/n opens their eyes and turns around.

"Excuse me, what?" They ask confused. The person approaches them. They look familiar, but Y/n can't quite put their finger on who exactly it is.

"Who are you?"

"You know who I am, human. Or should I say, you once knew me?" They say mockingly. Y/n frowns.

"No... Sorry, but I don't remember anything about you. How could I ever forget such a handsome face like yours? You have to be joking..."

The man laughs and shakes his head.
"That's not why I'm here. Your name is Y/N L/N, correct?"

"Yes, how did you-"

He stops them midsentence.

"Please, don't play stupid. I heard everything you said to the server. And it wasn't hard to figure out, considering how often you use those words," he gestures at the word 'fool'.

"I... Who are you?"

"I'm nobody special, human. My name is Xiao, and you were my friend..." He trails off. Y/n looks concerned.

"Are you sure you don't remember me? You always talk about how pretty I am, I must've meant something to you." Xiao says, hopeful. Y/n gives him an apologetic look.

"Sorry, no. I don't think we talked before. Why don't you tell me about yourself instead? You're a mystery to me." Y/n says.

Xiao smiles sadly.

"Very well." Xiao sits down in a nearby chair, taking a seat.

"Do you remember when you first found me? We were running from a giant beast. That beast came from another world, but this world isn't safe either.

I had lost the trail of its scent but I kept following it, hoping that it would lead me home. But it only led to a forest full of monsters and demons.

You were scared, scared enough that you ran away and hid behind a tree. I looked for you but couldn't find you. And then I realized that you had gone somewhere else. I tried to follow you, but the monster appeared. Then I lost sight of you.

I went searching, but couldn't find you anywhere. All I saw was darkness, with no trace of you anywhere. I felt like crying. I wanted you to come back to me, but I was too late. I couldn't save you..." Xiao says quietly, staring at the ground.

Y/n sits next to Xiao and puts their hand on his shoulder.

"I'M SO SORRY, BUT THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Y/n shouts at him. Xiao jumps and stares wide eyed at them.

"This is not your fault, you saved me, you gave me a chance. If you hadn't found me, I probably would have died. So don' blame yourself! No matter what happens, it's not your fault, okay?" Y/n looks deep into Xiao's eyes, trying their best to show him how sincere they are.

Xiao's expression softens and he nods slowly.

"Okay. Thank you, Y/n." He gives Y/n a smile. Y/n smiles back.

"Now let's go back inside and get some rest, yeah?" Y/n stands up. Xiao follows suit and they make their way back inside.

The night continues without any further incidents. Y/n eventually falls asleep.
Sorry I had to cut this one into 2 parts since it was getting kind of long for a one shot.

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