Chapter 1

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Inside the warehouse a sea of bodies twisted and rolled to the repetitive beat of the music. Pulsating lights captured the crowd, illuminating the faces of many. So many expressions and yet they all held the same meaning; pleasure. It was hypnotizing, alluring. It pulled you in like a warm embrace, welcoming you with outstretched arms, hooded eyes and captivating smiles. It was pure bliss.

Sam moved along with the crowd, swaying and grinding along with the others in a trance like state. The heavy vibrations of the music sent shocks of pleasure rolling through her. The masses of bodies provided a feeling of warmth and security. She was here for the same reason everyone else was. Escape. They were all looking for an escape. A way out from the hell they were currently living in.

An arm snaked around her waist, and a hard chest pressed up against her back. Sam tilted her head back and mirrored the moves of the stranger behind her. Resting her upper body against his, she rotated her hips in a circular motion. She was beginning to feel the effects of the drug she took just moments ago. The escape she had been looking for.

In any other situation she would be panicking. Never one to enjoy the closeness of others without feeling suffocated. She couldn't stand to be touched or held. It made her feel trapped. Because of this, she was harsh and cruel towards others. It helped to keep everyone at a distance. In the two years she had lived here, she had only made acquaintances, never trusting anyone enough to allow them to get close on a personal level.

With the drug making its way into her system, working its magic, she would be able to enjoy the nearness, the touch of others. Welcome it. Pretend. Tonight she would be able to let go of her inhibitions and forget about the world that awaited her just outside. Tonight she would get a grasp on what it feels like to be free.

Free from fear.

Free from hate.

Free from pain.

Even if it was only on a physical level, temporary, Sam would take it. She always did.

It was one of the advantages of living in the City. There was never a shortage on underground raves and mind-altering substances. Ways to escape.

Suddenly she was turned around. The movement had her head spinning and her body swaying. Firm hands gripped her waist and pulled her forward until her chest was met with another. Looking up, she came face to face with the stranger she was dancing with. He was no Adonis, but he wasn't far from it. Dark locks graced the tips of his ears, and fell in his eyes. He had sharp features and kissable lips. It was hard to make out anything else with the way the lights were flashing about in different shades of various colors. It didn't really matter to Sam; she wasn't looking for anything serious.

Taking hold of his shoulders, she held on and began to grind her hips into his. He squeezed her waist, before moving down to grip her more firmly, pressing her against himself in a suggestive manner.

With the drug now fully streaming through her veins, every little sensation was multiplied. Whoever came up with the stuff, were dead-on when they named it. At this moment, she was in pure ecstasy. The movements of his body against hers were causing desire to roll through her. A light sheen of sweat coated their bodies. Their skin rubbed smoothly against one another as it came in contact with each movement. She slipped her hand up the back of his neck and into his hair, combing the damp strands through her fingers. That simple gesture had his eyes rolling back, and caused his hips to buck forward, eliciting a moan from her.

Yes, pure ecstasy indeed.

"God, you are so beautiful," He breathed in Sam's ear. "What's your name?"

Tilting her head up, Sam skimmed her lips across his, before whispering in his ear, "Does it matter?" She answered with a question of her own. She had no plans of ever seeing him again after tonight, so why bother with pointless pleasantries.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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