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There are those who look, but never truly see. Their vision clouded by their innocence, faith and credulity. Believing the world is faultless and pure. Openly and freely giving trust without fear of being hurt. Convinced of a world that is full of kindness, clemency and compassion. Unsuspecting of the deceptiveness in others and easily accepting lies as truth. Living in the false protectiveness of the light, thinking they have nothing to be afraid of. Unaware of what awaits them, if they should ever stray into the darkness. Some may simply call them naive; others would say they are blinded by their belief in good pervading reality. Then there are those who would just call them, lucky.

Those who see the world for what it truly is. That the place we live in is cruel and without fairness. It will take your trust and use it to destroy you. Burn you with its betrayal and deceit. It is full of malice, mercilessness and indifference. There is nothing to protect you from the wickedness and malevolence of others. In this world, there is fear. There is darkness far greater than any light. Darkness far worse than any evil you could ever imagine. For the things it lurks inside of, are foul and twisted. They are tainted by the darkness that consumes them. They'll only bring you pain and suffering. They'll take everything you have, your very soul if you allow them, and there's nothing you can do.

In one night, Samantha Lane experienced first-hand, just how cruel and unjust the world could be. In only one night, her world was turned upside down; her life forever changed.

She let go and gave in to fear. She fell, victim to its powerful hold. Slowly it consumed her, stripping away all hope, penetrating her heart and hardening it to stone. Another soul destroyed by the impurities of the world, until all that was left was an empty shell of a broken girl. An empty shell soon filled with only anger and bitterness.

That was the night she felt the piercing pain of betrayal.

That was the night she had her innocence stolen.

Forced to see the world for what it is and all its bitter truths.

Understood what it meant to lose all hope.

That was the night, Samantha Lane died.

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