Studying and other activities of protest

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If there's one thing the current generation has improved on over the former, it's their ability to spread useless rumours.

Someone tells a friend their secret, that friend tells that secret to someone else, and that someone else just so happened to be part of the tea club, so now everyone knows.

The effect is so universal that you can get personal information that nobody should know, just by passing. Even someone out of the loop like me knows about the "secret" relationship between the new teacher and the janitor, or that recent peanut-scandal involving the school cooking club. Not because those topics intrigue me, mind you—

—But because they are truly unavoidable.

Which makes me all the more afraid of them.

With the newest and most controversial rumour going around the academy about—oh. Right. I suppose that if I were to tell you, I should introduce myself first.

Sorry. I forgot my manners. It's been a bit of a weird week.

My name is Riku. I'm Japanese by nationality. A second-year student at Foundation Cross Academy, a school for students with... special qualities.

...You do know what a shinobi is, right?


Ah, good. I was almost afraid I would have to kill you there, Hahaha...

W-well, anyway~

Star Cross Academy is more of a daughter company to a corporation than an actual school (even by shinobi standards). It doesn't train students so they can chase their own future prospects. Oh, no no no; It's a three year long integration program that forces teenagers to work in a corrupted, power-hungry corporation, whether they like it or not.

This corporation we're being handed off to originally founded the academy. It's basically built out of a desire to make super-powered, sacrificial pawns of their own. Of course, few people would accept the existence of such an academy, so we're mostly working clandestine.

You might believe that a secret organization would try to stay out of the public's eye, but that isn't the case. The CEO of the whole thing and his daughter are famous figures recognized throughout the entire prefecture.

The CEO gives to charity around 2 times a month, and his daughter has done model work. She's also a student at Star Cross academy, and my senior by one year.

Her name is Leo. The leader of the Zodiac Star Committee; A group that serves as the academy's elite team, and the student council.

As leader of the elite team, Leo is the bona fide strongest student within the academy. Her fame as a model and heir to whatever her family owns also helps the ever-increasing popularity. She's described as kind and elegant, and patient enough to humour even the first years. To top it off, She looks great too, so all the boys practically worship her.

The perfect role model, they say.

I'm inclined to agree.

So, let's digress. Here is that circling rumour that you've been waiting for.

The latest scandal, hot off the press. Brace yourself!

During the holiday of our first semester, where everyone received 3 days off from training (Yes, Shinobi holidays are that bad), they say that someone spotted Leo talking to the same boy after school, multiple days in a row.

And that's it.

That's the entire rumour.

It was enough to start a revolt.

Senran Kagura - The stars foretold a sore relationshipΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα