Childlike innocence with an expiration date

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Chapter 4: Aimu - Childlike innocence with an expiration date

"Everyone! Stop what you're doing, immediately! Tenshi-chan is back!"

"What?! Get the classroom ready! Go go go!"

Late morning, Foundation Star Cross academy, second year classroom.

You could convince most people that my classroom belongs to an ordinary civilian school if you brought them here during recess. Only then do we get a few brief minutes to gather and eat lunch, while discussing the latest media schtick or school gossip. The very idea that everyone here is supposed to kill and steal on a daily basis doesn't come to mind.

And I mean a very few brief minutes. We have one break of 30 minutes between 14 hours of classes, training, and assignments. If it wasn't for the fact that humans require to eat, we wouldn't have gotten those 30 minutes at all.

Of course, the academy scoffs at the very idea of a weekend. If you want to do something more recreational, there's no choice but to sacrifice sleep time. These 30 minutes we can spend without killing our self, are held in such high regard by students that the entire academy would collapse if they tried to take it away.

No matter how bleak our existence is, students need down-time.

But I was a neutral party. I was just soaking it all in at the back of my classroom, lazily leaning on my desk with a trusty juice box to sip from. Pure bliss.

I was the type who could shave off a few hours of sleep per week with no trouble, so I didn't feel the need to make the most off of our break periods. It was the same for Leo, I believe, although she naps at every possible moment, so she might just be catching up.


"Everyone, check your bags! Use whatever you can find!"

It's usually calm here.


But then out of nowhere, the entire classroom started throwing everything around with the panic of a caught rabbit.

Tables were tossed through the air to get them out of the way. An assortment of snacks coming out of everyone's bags was neatly organized on a table close to the entrance, and the floor was swept clean in less than 20 seconds.

What a ruckus.

It shouldn't surprise you when I tell you I did hog crap nothing. I was as useless as Ginrei always claims me to be, and I was content with that.

Just as everyone in the classroom was done with their self-imposed duties (despite lacking my help,) the door of our class rolled open once again.

"I'm Baaack~! Tihihi!"

The entire room erupted with cheer.

"Welcome back, Tenshi-Chan!"

"You look well today, Tenshi-chan!"

"Look well? She looks fantastic! She always looks that way!"

"We were so worried about you, Tenshi-Chan!"

Right. Tenshi-chan...

"Oh, thank you all. Tihihi." The highly praised 'Tenshi-chan' took the worship with gusto. She even added in a high-pitched giggle that made everyone sigh in content.

"How was your latest mission at Hakusandake, Tenshi-chan?! Are you okay?! Weather in Shizuoka can be so harsh during this time of year!"

"Oh, I was fine. It was amazing, actually! Close to the snowy part of the mountain, they had this café with amazing donuts!"

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