Gambling resolve for knowhow

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Chapter 3: Kurohoro - Gambling resolve for knowhow

"Stay there and wait a few minutes. And don't say anything. And don't touch anything!"


"I said complete silence!"



Afternoon, Star cross academy's alchemy lab.

Because the academy is no more than an indoctrination program that tries to create super-soldiers with as little resources as possible, we students are, of course, expected to branch ourselves out on a variety of specialized subjects. We students are also, of course, expected to do this out of our love and loyalty to the corporate benefactor, so it's assumed we'll do this on our own without the academy's input.

There is admittingly a strong variety of facilities for us to use, like a shooting range, a swimming pool, a swordsmith, a fitness room—And the chemistry lab, for shinobi who want to learn more about poisons and acid, stuff like that.

I rarely used any of them, though. My sole focus is to train in martial arts and fighting sports. I'm not really the type of guy to take an interest in unknown hobbies at random.

Stick with what's known, I'd say.

Too bad, that is precisely what got me in this predicament in the first place.

"hmm... Okay."


"I'm finished." Kurohoro said. She cleaned her hands in the sink before grabbing the flask she had just finished preparing, and walked up to my face to shove the flask right in front of me.

"Drink this."


"What do you mean, 'what?' Drink it, Come on."

"H-hold on, you're the academy's poison expert, right? What are you trying to pull?!"

The girl in front of me is Kurohoro, another member of the Zodiac committee. A third year, so she has almost the same position as Leo. Although she only joined the academy a short while ago, from what I've heard.

Like all members of the zodiac committee, Kurohoro is a school-celebrity. Quite infamous, in fact.

So infamous that the students have already thought up a suitable nickname for her. "The iron maiden." At first I thought it was an unclever, cliché title, but after meeting Kurohoro in person I could see the link.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I cautiously stepped backwards.

"Come on! Sip it!"

"N-no! Why should I?"

"What reason would I have had for allowing you to enter otherwise?"

"Because I was the one who asked if I could enter, not you!" I said.

"Okay, then let me rephrase myself; what other reason would I've had for letting you in?"

"Are you the devil!?"

Kurohoro sighed, arms crossed. "Fine. What was it you wanted?"

"Why should I tell you now?! You're obviously planning on saying no!"

"Sure am."

"She didn't even defend herself?!"

Not only was Kurohoro specialised in lethal poisons, she was also a pro at venom of the verbal variety.

Senran Kagura - The stars foretold a sore relationshipजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें