The Teacher Meeting

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Outside of Blairwood elementary school was a kid and their dad walking out of the school after meeting with the teacher. Inside one of the many classes of the school was a teacher. Her name is Ms. Briefly, she is currently reading the names of the students with whom she would be meeting with them and their parents or guardians.

Ms. Bierly: "Amy, Connor, Niko, and Terry."

She then sighed as she leaned back into her chair

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She then sighed as she leaned back into her chair. As she was about to leave she then notices two notes in her bag. One had the name Erma on it while the other had Y/N.

Ms. Bierly: "Huh didn't see you there.", she said as she took the notes.

Ms. Bierly: "Erma and Y/N, guess I'll be seeing you both in class."

As Ms. Bierly placed the two notes in the pile the lights started to flicker a bit. She then looked up at the lights confused. She then shrugged it off and went to put the pile in her bag. Suddenly the light started to flicker again. As Ms. Bierly squinted her eyes at the lights confused the bulb suddenly bursts to frighten her. She started at the broken bulb with her hands up to her chest for a moment.

The door then creaked open a bit. She then turned to look at the door while curious. Ms. Bierly then pokes her head out of the door to see if there was anyone else in the hallway. She then stepped into the hallway slightly concerned.

Ms. Bierly: "Wes, Wes is that you?"

No one responded to her call. The sound of a drop was heard as well as metal scraping something. Her concerned expression slowly turned to one of fear as she saw the shadow of a figure holding a blade. She slowly made a big step towards the door when suddenly she heard the sound of something creaking.

After that Ms. Bierly made her way into the classroom, shutting the door and shoving the pile of paperwork into her bag. The door suddenly crept open when there was no one on the other side of it. The weird sound could be heard again as well as the sound of a blade scraping the floor.

Ms. Bierly was taking deep breaths as she was about to grab the last piece of paperwork when suddenly the door slammed shut. The lights started to flicker as a weird sound started to play in the classroom.

Ms. Bierly looked around the room frightened. She then saw something trying to open the door. What she didn't notice was a figure appearing behind her.

She took the shape of a little girl while her hair covered her face and the back of her knees

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She took the shape of a little girl while her hair covered her face and the back of her knees. She is seen wearing a white shirt(I think it's a dress) and black shoes. The most noticeable thing about her was how pale her skin was as well as she was flickering in and out. She slowly made her way to Ms. Briefly who was distracted by the person trying to get in the room. The little girl then extended her arm out to Ms. Bierly and was about to grab her hand.

Out of nowhere, the door was kicked off its hinges by the figure that was trying to get into the classroom. In his hand was a machete which took more than enough for Ms. Bierly. She suddenly threw a chair at him and ran out of the room. When Ms. Bierly managed to get out of the classroom she heard metal and wood being sliced and saw the chair was cut in half. She saw a hand grab the doorway with someone wearing a hockey mask slowly poking his head out. He then slowly turned toward Ms. Bierly who started running away from them.

Ms. Bierly hid behind a corner of the hallway. She then slowly looked over at the other end and saw the one wearing the hockey mask at the other end. Ms. Bierly made her way to the exit and was trying to pull the doors open. She then turned around and saw the shadow of someone walking by the corner she hid at. She then turned back to the doors and kept on pulling them.

Ms. Bierly: "Come on come on!"

She soon stopped pulling the door handles and started panting. When she looked up at the window of the door she met the figure of the ghost girl staring right at her. Ms. Bierly nearly fell from the scare and started to bolt through the hallway with a shadow slowly following her. She made her way to the back door of the school. When she was about to leave the ghost girl suddenly appeared in front of her. She then started to make her way toward Ms. Bierly.

Ms. Bierly screamed and shut the door. She then turned and started to run down the hall. The one with the hockey mask opened the door to let the ghost girl back in. The two started to chase after Ms. Bierly with the ghost girl crawling on the ceiling and the walls while the boy with the mask was walking right behind them.

Ms. Bierly made her way to a classroom as the ghost girl got down to the floor. She then looked up at the boy with the hockey mask as he looked at her. She then began to crawl toward the classroom as Ms. Bierly shut the door. The ghost girl then pressed herself against the glass and slowly slide down. Ms. Bierly started to back away from the door as she started to breathe heavily. The vent cover fell to the ground and the hockey mask boy landed on top of it. He slowly made his way to Ms. Bierly as the ghost girl started to float right next to him. Ms. Bierly grabbed any desk that was near her and shoved it between her and the two kids. The desks were either cut by a machete or shoved away by an unknown force.

Ms. Bierly kept backing up until she tripped over a pencil and fell on her back. She then crawled back to get away from the kids until her back hit the wall. She then began screaming in fear as the two got closer to her. She then raised her arm to block any incoming attack.

She then noticed that nothing happened and when she looked back up she saw something strange. The two were in front of her holding an apple. The one with the mask went to the light switch and turned the lights on. Ms. Bierly felt a bit uncomfortable and then grabbed the apple from the girl. She then looked at the apple as the girl dropped back to the ground. She also took note of what the boy was.

 She also took note of what the boy was

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He was wearing black pants with boots. A leather coat with a grey shirt. His hair was short h/c and his skin looked to be leathery with cuts on it. The noticeable thing about him was that he was wearing a hockey mask on his face and the fact he was holding a small machete. The boy was a little taller than the girl by what looked like an inch. The two kept staring at Ms. Bierly while she was holding the apple they gave her.

???: "Erma? Y/N?"
An adult man was walking around the hallway until he went to the door that lead to the classroom the three were in. He peaked through the glass of the door and saw them. He then opened the door.

Sam: "Ah, there you are sweetie, you and Y/N ready to go home?"
When Erma turned to look at her dad, her hair shifted a bit which uncovered half of her face. Her eye was black while her pupil was white.
Y/N gave him a thumbs-up and walked right past him as Erma followed him.

As they were heading home, Sam turned towards the two.

Sam: "We will get your school supplies tomorrow, guys."

The two nodded as they head to bed.

See you soon.

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