Erma #1

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Erma and Y/N walked into the classroom unaware that their teacher kissed a cross.
Y/N was watching Erma use her powers to move a chalk onto the board to draw a flower. Y/N grabbed one and tried to draw with his chalk until it broke in his hand. Erma and Y/N looked down at it.

Y/N: "Aw man."
Erma: "It's alright, I think the teacher knows where the rest are!"
Y/N: "I'll go ask!"

Y/N teleported to the teacher, nearly scaring her to death.
Y/N was in his desk with a test in front of him. He was writing his answers until he heard a loud screech. He looked behind him and saw everyone was scared beside one kid writing "Skree" on his paper and an angry Erma. Y/N reached into his bag and pulled out a cookie he saved for lunch. He placed a note on it and placed it on Erma's desk. She looked at it and read the note. It said, "Cheer up!". She proceeded to eat the cookie and looked up at Y/N who went back to his desk.
Erma and couple of girls were playing jump rope. Problem was Erma was floating and one of the girls complained that it was cheating. Y/N was playing with a stick and was fighting another stick that was trying to him. He hit the stick with his stick and they both shattered. Y/N turned to Erma and walked up to her. The girls that were around her backed away when they saw Y/N.

Y/N: "The sticks broke."
Erma: "Wanna play at the swing?"
Y/N: "Sure!"
Y/N sat on the floor with his pajamas on. Behind him was Erma and their friends wearing their pajamas as well. Their friends were scared from the movie while Erma pointed at the Tv and laughed while Y/N giggled at it. Y/N tried to grab the bowl of popcorn and he did. Although not only he pulled the popcorn down to him but he also brought Erma down as well.

Emiko was in the living in the morning while holding a camera. She took a picture of the scene infront of her. Y/N was asleep while leaning against the couch with Erma wrapped around his arm. Erma was also sleep with her head on Y/N's chest.
Y/N was listening to the teacher when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and saw Erma holding a pencil.

Erma: "I left my sharpener at home, can you sharpen it for me?"
Y/N: "Sure."
Y/N grabbed her pencil and reached into his bag. He then pulled out his machete and aimed it at the pencil. Erma heard a chop and with a thud. Y/N turned around and handed Erma the pencil.
Y/N: "Do you have any tape left?"

Erma reached into her and pulled out a roll of duct tape. She went over to Y/N and picked up his decapitated hand. She then taped his hand back on with the entire class hid at one side of the room.
Y/N went up to Erma with a blush on his face though she couldn't see it due to his mask and held out a rose. Erma grabbed the rose and looked at it. To their surprise the rose withered away in her hand. Y/N looked down in sadness until Erma kissed him on the cheek. Steam erupted out of Y/N's ears as he fell onto his back with a dazed look on his face.
Y/N was sitting on the toilet with a beauty king magazine in his hands while Erma was looking at the mirror by the sink. A beauty queen magazine was beside her. Y/N was eyeing the hair the models had and placed his hand on his head and sighed due to the lack of hair he had.

Erma grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of hair off. The part she cut off grew back instantly. She then cut the the front and top off to show her eyes. Y/N looked up at her with starry eyes.

Y/N: "Your eyes are very pretty!"
Erma: "Tha-"

Her hair grew back and it enraged Erma to the point where she cut her hair all over the place. Erma stopped after a while and looked back af the mirror. Her hair was short all around in a tomboyish style. She heard shuffling and saw Y/N covered head to toe in her hair. She giggled at him until her hair grew back.

Y/N: "HAH!"

Suddenly all the hair fall off of him.
Y/N: "Dang it..."

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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