[CHAPTER 8.] The Cup, The Skeleton & The Demon

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Audience: "3!"

Audience: "2!"

Audience: "1!"

BF: "GO!"


Boyfriend then threw (y/n) a microphone as the two started singing Hatsume started to noticed (y/n)'s hand glow.

(y/n) sang but wasn't enjoying it as much as Boyfriend who was singing as hard as he could. Soon Boyfriend noticed (y/n) was just singing casauly so he ran towards him and punched him in the face which lead to (y/n) stepping back for a minute

BF: "🎶Don't you get that you can fight me🎶?" He asked while still singing which lead to (y/n) fighting back as the pink glow in his hand disappeared. (y/n) then began to sing harder as he felt something about to overcome him which he managed to contain


(y/n) then felt something else begin to overcome him. A feeling of laziness but he contained it before it came out but he also felt a blue light emit from his hand which this time Tokage took notice of

Tokage: "The hell are you hiding (y/n)?" As both (y/n) and Boyfriend sang and fought at the same time the audience began to cheer for them and around the end of the second part of the song (y/n) could hear to voices come from him which Boyfriend also took notice off


As (y/n) sang this part of the song he felt something attempt to overtake him again but it began to have more control then the previous too which lead to (y/n) fighting more violently and a golden glow come from one of his eyes catching Boyfriend's attention

BF: "A-AM I SEEING THINGS OR IS HIS EYE GLOWING!?" He thought dodging (y/n)'s attacks before finally being hit by one which was extremely powerful

BF: "Oh god if he hits me one more time I'll be done for" He thought as he jumped away and continued to sing


Endeavour: "All these kids are doing is singing its so naiv-" Everyone quickly noticed the entire arena become dark and blue cartoonish hearts appear infront of them

Deku: "Hey why's it so dark all of a sudden?" He asked while (y/n) and Boyfriend continued to rap

Midnight: "W-what's going on" She asked watching (y/n)'s body glow pink to blue to gold

BF: "🎶(y-y/n)🎶?" He asked continuing to rap

PresentMic: "There's no way?"

ErasureHead: "Does he have a quirk?" And out of nowhere (y/n) turned into a black puddle which shifted into three different figures.

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