[CHAPTER 36.] A Nighteye's Business

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*(A/n)* For any of you male reader only fans (Y/n) does not appear at all in this chapter just a heads up**


After my call with Gran Torino and a talk with All Might, Togata had offered to bring me to see Sir Nighteye. Who hasn't been in touch with All Might in years as far as I'm concerned. Not only that but is aware of the origins of One For All

Togata: "Alright you ready to meet him?"

Izuku: "Yeah I am" As soon as we were about to walk up the stairs to Sir Nighteye's office, Togata stopped me

Togata: "Wait hold on! I told (Y/n) this before and its how he got into the agency so I figure you should know too"

Izuku: "Yeah what is it?"

Togata: "Sir Nighteye loves jokes and pranks do or tell him a good one and I guarantee he'll let you in for your Work Study"

Izuku: "Thanks Jokes...I-I can't do jokes" We then walked into Sir Nigheteye's office and I was presented to a horrifying site Sir Nighteye torturing his employee with a......tickle device....what in the...But as soon as I shut the door behind us Sir Nighteye glared at me

It was then that I realised I had to do what I could to make him laugh I closed my hands made two fists and presented myself

It was then that I realised I had to do what I could to make him laugh I closed my hands made two fists and presented myself

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Izuku: "I'm Izuku Midoriya" Nighteye then just looked at me with a madder, one even could say annoyed expression

SirNighteye: "Are you mocking All Might?" That almost struck a nerve to me not only did he not find it remotely funny but assumed I was making fun of All Might, my idol, my mentor, my hero

Sans: "Heh I get it"

Bendy: "What?"

Sans: "Nothin'"

SirNighteye: "Well are you?" He then walked up to me and started inspecting my face

SirNighteye: "The wrinkles far too different from All Might's"

Izuku: "You could tell that from over there?" I asked

SirNighteye: "But of course I am the ultimate All Might fanboy" As he said this all kinds of All Might merch dropped from the ceiling from toys to posters to clothing

Izuku: "No way he's got...everything"

SirNighteye: "Anyways I would like you to leave your poor display of All Might's face is not needed here or your horrible comedy for that matter"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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