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This is a territory that I'm not very well versed in, seriously, so I'd apologise for errors right away and hope that I got things right. Even if I didn't, I would not mind getting corrected so yeah-

(I did really enjoy writing this tho so I hope i didn't make major mistakes 😭)


Parvati stood in front of the mirror, completely dressed up for her marriage which was about to commence in a couple of hours. Her brows were furrowed in worry.

She had just explained to her husband-to-be the need for him to dress up for the day, but she was definitely a little worried about how he was going to do it.

She had been staring at the mirror long enough for her image in it to go out of her mind entirely. And it was then, all of a sudden, that her brother appeared behind her, tapping her on the shoulder.

"You!" she turned around. Vishnu laughed at the anticipated reaction. "Shyama, you're the right guy for this."

"For what?"

"Yeah, like you don't know."

Vishnu stepped back, rolling his big eyes and making all sorts of weird faces.

"Shyama." Parvati's eyes were narrowed in annoyance and she shook her head to send Hari a warning

He burst into laughter, conceding finally that he did know. "But you could tell me yourself, that would be nice."

"You do realise that you're not my actual blood brother, right? Like, who gave you the permission to annoy me like that?"

"Blood brother or not," he said, shrugging. "A brother is a brother, and he's always entitled to annoy his siblings, perhaps more so when it's a sister!"

"Brilliant." Parvati murmured. "Now, right now, you need to go and get your dearest Shiva dressed up for our marriage. Go." she said, hand pointed to the door.

Vishnu chuckled, patting her on the shoulder. "Alright, alright. He'll look stunning, now that I've been entrusted with this responsibility by Parvati herself. And you need to calm down."

Parvati shot her brows up, looking anything but calm.

He held her by her shoulders and pushed her to sit down on a seat gently. "With that super heavy dress of yours, you're better off sitting and not shooting those murderous glances at me! I'm going, and you should really call your sisters or Lakshmi or Saraswati to have a little chat with you! You're bored."

"Bye." Parvati responded, trying to get the man to start his work because it was getting so late. "See you with your best friend the next time."


"Shiva!" Vishnu obviously greeted him with a characterestic bear hug. "Look at how you're struggling with this."

Shiva glanced up at him rather helplessly. "You really love dressing up, don't you? You really need dedication to put all this on everyday!"

"Of course I love dressing up." Vishnu laughed. "And I also love dressing up people who don't know what they're doing with all this. Come, sit down."

Shiva sat down rather reluctantly. He was wearing a dark red dhoti and trying to put on some jewellery when Vishnu came in.

"You know, Parvati sent me here for this." Vishnu said randomly, fixing the earrings and tightening the necklaces around his neck just perfectly. "I heard you did something not so acceptable to the norms."

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