.Outside of the plane.

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Liam's Pov:
After seeing what happened to Airy I decided to go to the cave and try my best to free the now trapped contestants of ONE.

With little to no hope I tried my best, it's been hours since everything happened with Airy. I looked over to see the microphone and turned it on. It made a loud screeching noise till I turned it off.

I fixed up the mic before talking into it.

L: "Bryce!! You there??!?"

B: "LIAM!!!"

L: "Alright, I'm glad this works. Now I'm trying my best to figure out how to send us all back to our lives on earth"

B: "Take your time Liam"

M: "Please atleast try to hurry up-"

S: "He's trying his best Moldy-?"

M: "Yeah-, I guess your right"

I stayed up all night figuring this out and didn't even realize Airy was right behind me.

A: Boo-

I jumped up and fell off the seat and starred at him. He just looked at me and kinda smiled. I got up and walked over to the computer.

He then looked at me and looked back at the computer. I didn't even realize I forgot to mute the mic so everyone heard everything.

A: Uhm-.. What are you doing?

L: Taken back all my friends to there respectful lives. They shouldn't be trapped here anymore Airy, This is sick what your doing, trapping us here to play these games that we don't want to play.

A: I thought It would be fun.

L: To us it's not fun, you've taken us from people we love. We're all want to leave, so please Airy. Let us leave

A: I-i..

L: Airy please..

A: Sorry Backpack, but I can't do that.

L: Why?? Why can't you do that.

A: I..Fine I'll send everyone back.

L: Thank you Airy.

Without thinking twice I seen Airy take control of the Computer and turn to a different page. I looked closer and it send that he was gonna add me back to he plane.

I can't let that happen so I shoved him out of the way and grabbed the mouse and turned to the next page. I seen Airy get up and look at me.

I pressed a certain button and we all got teleported away. Last thing I seen was Airy screaming and looking worried. Before anything could happen we all vanished.

I woke up in a alleyway next to Bryce, without thinking twice I grabbed Bryce and hugged him. He looked at me and hugged me back. We were all finally free from this madness. But I still wonder, whatever happened to Airy?

The End Of ONE (HfjONE)Where stories live. Discover now