.I failed you. [Tw: S3lf-h@rm]

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[Airys Pov:]

As I then walked over to Bryce who just entered back in his apartment, I then stopped in front of him before saying

Airy: Hey, sorry for..talking to you.. but Liam.. well

Bryce: he what..

Liam: Nothing! Nothing.. hehe, don't mind him-

I then got slightly pushed off to the side before then giving a small annoyed look, as I then slightly backed away and kept quiet, not saying anything..*

Bryce: so.. everything's fine right-?..

Liam: yep! Everything's alright!

Bryce: alright.

As I then walked back to the table and rested my head on my hand, I then slightly closed my eyes before then falling asleep again..

[Liams Pov:]

That was to close, I don't want Bryce knowing I've been doing this again, he didn't like it before and will not be happy.

He knows that after what all happen, I've been doing that as a way to "help out" with my pain and mood. I looked up at Bryce and smiled awkwardly.

I walked back to the couch and sat down. I felt that sharp pain in my wrists from the cuts, it stung really bad, I would most likely need to Band-Aid these up.

Bryce ended up joining me on the couch and smiled as he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. He then looked at me, placing a small kiss on my head. He then spoke to me in a soft sweet voice.

Bryce: Hun, you and me, whatever happens between us, will always be together.

I just looked at him and smiled softly. I couldn't be more happier to be here with him. I hugged him back and smiled.

I looked over at Airy and seen him sitting at the table zoning out looking at the night sky outside. I've always wondered. What was his life before the plane? And before everything happened?

I then turned my attention back towards Bryce as I lean up against him and cuddle next to him. I shut my eyes softly as I drift off to sleep in my partners arms.

[Bryce's Pov:]

I looked down at Liam, I pulled him closer to me so I can then hug him as we laid on the couch together. I then looked back up at Airy and he was still staring into the midnight sky with a bit of a frown and a slight bored expression.

I mean, he's always like that? Right? I've never got to properly talk to him nor even ask him about anything. I mean, I got so many questions but I don't want to make him just. Uncomfortable I suppose.

I then picked up Liam and started to walk him towards my bed, I placed him down before I then gave him a kiss on the forehead and placed the blanket over him.

I then turned around and walked towards the kitchen before pulling out a chair and sitting I don't if Airy as I then asked.

Bryce: So, Airy. How's you end up at the plane if you don't mind me asking?

As he then looked at me before looking off to the side and just sighed before speaking in his monochromic tone.

Airy: Well, uh.. I was a truck driver.. I guess I just couldn't stop in time and I ended up crashing into another car. I then ended up in that weird void place before flipping through channels on the radio. I then made it to the plan and spent at least a decade there to be exact.

He then looked up at me after explaining that. I didn't realize he never seen the real world in 10 years? That must've been fucking awful. I honestly felt bad for him. But I can't really since he trapped us there.

That's the other question I need to ask him since it's important aswell and I need to figure some of this shit out anyways.

Bryce: so, why did you decide to trap us there? I'm the plane anyways? How'd you do it and why to begin with?

I stared at him with a questioning glare and he looked at me blankly back before saying in his same tone again.

Airy: well, I was lonely. I didn't have anyone for over..uh 5 years there. I then made the first season but it didn't work out well... then there was you guys. I wanted to make sure everything would go right for you guys and you guys would enjoy it...b-

Bryce: but we didn't. You took us from our lives  Airy. Does that not sound a bit fucked up to be honest? Like I get it. Your lonely but doing that. Yeah no.

Airy: I get it. I was gonna send everyone back after I was done anyways. I just thought it would be fun since it's a game show I suppose. But I now realize that wasn't really "fun".

Bryce: yeah it wasn't. I just want you to learn from your mistakes okay. I'll let you stay as long as you need okay? I'll help you find a job by next week but we gotta keep you updated with this new year and time. Okay?

Airy: yeah that sounds good. Thanks so-...Bryce. Also..I need to tell you something about B-..Liam? If that's fine.

I then continued to eye him down before nodding in agreement and saying in a bit of a curious tone.

Bryce: go on? I'm listening.

Airy: well, when you left earlier. I noticed that Liam wasn't around the house. I then walked in  on him in the washroom holding a knife and he was cutting his arms or wrists or something like that- he told me not to tell you but I think you need to know?

Bryce: ...he what? Your being serious???...

As I then get up and turned towards the bed before walking towards it and kneeing down over the bed before pulling my boyfriends sleeve slightly off. There was blood just all over his arms. And he seemed fine.

Why would he do this again? Was it because of me? Did I do this? Was it cause of Airy? Is it because I don't like him? What's the reason? Why would he do this-?...

(Hey everyone, sorry I've been gone for like, how many months. I was dealing with my own problems and issues but I'm alright and back now! Ready to finish this and continue working on it! Thanks for all the support on this book! I couldn't thank you all enough. Anyways Plush out~!)

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