Chapter 8: One Year Result

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Once I turned seven years old, Rosch began his agenda.

He gave me a short wooden sword and explained what it meant to be a swordsman. Honestly, his explanation was so stilted that I couldn't get any confidence that he was a swordsman.

After a long speech, he demonstrated some basic movements in swordsmanship. Starting from the stance, how to hold the sword, to some basic slashes.

He watched like a hawk as I swung my sword following the moves he had shown me. Then occasionally cheering me on like a cheerleader on a sports field. It felt strange, but if I slowed down or was flattered by his little compliments, he would hit me on the head with his wooden sword. It didn't hurt tho.

Honestly, I preferred hand-to-hand combat. However, I could understand that having the ability to wield a weapon to protect oneself from monsters was essential. When compared to living on earth, the most difficult enemies were humans. But, this was not the case here. Hence, this training was inevitable.

One month had passed. Every morning I was trained by Rosch. As a result, the morning lesson schedule was moved to after naptime. Farida didn't mind it. I even saw her spending more time in her room and helping with chores.

This morning, Mom finished her chores. Together with Farida, she sat on the front porch to watch my first spar with Rosch.

Yup. It was a sparring match between an old man and his unbelievably cute son.

"Damna sweetheart, don't lose to him!"

Mom elbowed Farida, a sign to remind her to encourage me. But, her voice was so quiet that I couldn't tell what she was saying.

"Why doesn't anyone cheer for me?" Rosch complained.

"Of course, because I'm more popular," I retorted.

"Heh! If I beat you, they'll cheer for me. For sure!"

Eh? No intention of giving in to your son? What kind of man are you? Rosch, I'm a seven-year-old child! Please remember that.

Rosch made some distance and then brandished his sword. "Be ready, Damna. You may attack at any time, anywhere."

His smile was so cheeky, like a brat. I could feel his confidence through the air. I meant, what kind of adult cannot win against a child in a fight? That thought crossed my mind. Yet, I didn't think he was that kind of man.

Anyway, I kept my distance, pointed my sword forward, and set up my stance as he had taught me. Then take a few breaths before simulating the battle in my head.

Okay. I've got the picture. My goal is to hit this short sword into his body.

The moment the wind stopped blowing, I ran forward and swung the sword diagonally from below. The loud sound of two training swords hitting echoed through the air. Rosch managed to repel it. I followed up with several hard swings left and right, but all my attacks were blocked.

I jumped two steps back to catch my breath, and then rushed forward again. Taking advantage of my small frame, I focused on the lower part and launched a hard swing at his knee. He jumped to avoid the attack.

As expected, he jumped. I quickly picked up a rock and threw it with my full force. However, Rosch smiled. He swung the sword and slashed the rock in half.

What the hell? This man turned out to be a real swordsman! And how could a wooden sword split a rock?

In a split second, I activated my Spiritual Eyes. Through these cursed eyes, there was a thin, stable membrane encasing Rosch's entire body along with his sword.

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