Chapter 9

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I try to find a way to hide better so that no one could see me. I find a window and jump out.
It was the first time I ever did something like this.

As I reach the ground safely, I go behind the house and see the journalists going outside since they didn't find me anymore.
I knock on the glass door and Zac immediately saw and rushed to open the door for me.
He hugged me worried that I injured myself.

We go to the living room and I immediately rest my body on the couch:
-Sorry for what happened -
-It's alright....... - I said while closing my eyes trying to take a rest. But that was interrupted by the Ringing of a phone.... Mine.

I pick it up and with a stressed voice I say:
-What? -
-Is everything okay? - My friend asked worried.

I opened my eyes and get up sitting down on the couch. I started to feel worried.
-What happened? - I asked
-Nothing just that on the news people are saying that they think a woman was hiding in Zac's house.
I turn around to see Zac on the dining table on his phone. As he felt me looking, he raised his head and looked at me.
-Hope everything is alright? -
-Yea -  I say turning my back to him.

After that I cut the call and take my bag walking towards the door.
As I opened the door I felt a strong arm close it back:
-There might be paparazzi out there waiting for you to come out, so why don't you stay the night here. Tomorrow early in the morning I'll take u back home. -
I turn around and our nose almost touch. I never felt this close to a man........ It was the best feeling ever, I felt myself around me but I found guilt in my heart. I never told him about my royal family and life so I knew how he was going to react afterwards.

I nod and he takes my hands guiding me to the couch. We sit down and I lay my head on his chest after removing my shoes. He wraps his arm around me and we cuddle while watching some series.

At 5pm I remembered I had to call my grandmother bc she wanted to tell me something. I turn and see Zac asleep. I get up silently and walk over to the kitchen where I call my grandma.
She picks up and says:
-My little girl.......... -
-Grandma is everything alright u wanted to talk to me earlier -  I said sitting down on the chair.
-Well it's about the throne but I don't think it's best talking about it on phone pls come back as soon as possible, it's a bit urgent -

She ends the call leaving me worried. Maybe she was ill and father didn't wanted to become king after her something but the way she sound was strange. She never sounded like this in her life.

I booked a ticket for next week Saturday and I hear someone call my name.
-I'm in the kitchen - I said getting Zac's attention to the kitchen.
I see him coming towards me as he rubs his eyes from the sleep.
He come close to me and kissed my forehead.
I smile at him then get back to booking a plane.

-Where are going to next week Saturday? -
I turn around and find Zac near my face reading everything.
He then looks at me wanting an answer :
-Well my grandmother wanted to talk to me about something very urgent and I have to go back to London -
I turn back to my phone typing.

-Ur family lives in London? -
I nod not wanting to move my eyes from my phone.
-I'm coming with you..... I would love to meet them-

I finally turn my eyes to him meeting his eyes.
-I don't think it's the best idea-
-Why? -
I sighed and answered :
-Bc......... Bc I don't think it's time, I want you to prove to me that everything u feel inside is real-

He looked confused and I left him alone thinking about what I said.
I was scared to tell him........ And I didn't know why........... Maybe I was scared to lose him...


THE ROYAL FAMILY :  BEATRIX ORLA WINDSORWhere stories live. Discover now