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How can she explain to the rest of the world that a man who was supposed to protect and shield her took something from her without her consent? She is not the first nor the last. Instead of being comforted, she is belittled and shamed by society and is constantly reminded that it is 'all her fault'.

How am l supposed to look my younger brothers straight in the eyes when there are mistreating girls at such a young age? They must be trying to mimic the 'love' our father gave to our mother. How do l explain to my younger sisters that some, if not most men can not take N-O for an answer so she has to pat their ego and play along to just to live to see another day? How do l explain to her that love is not being banged against the wall every time your partner is 'drunk' or doesn't get his way when our neighbor chooses to stay and society chooses to 'mind their own business'?

We buried her last week, the neighbour and none of her family members attended her funeral. Rumor has it, she bought shame upon the family the day she walked out the door with a fetus and the very same man that took her life the same man that could barely feed himself.
Don't worry though !His life gets to carry on, and now he is off to choose his next victim.

How do l explain to my sisters that a man is going to court to justify his rape? How do l explain to her that the reason l now have to raise her as my own is that mother finally said, 'Enough is Enough ' and stood up for herself resulting in her taking a life, a life she loved more than her own. How do l explain to her that HER COUNTY failed to protect her and the man in charge of doing so considers being RAPED BY ONE PERSON "LUCKY".

Minster Bheke Chele, appointed by our one and only Mr. President Cyril Ramaphosa.
The article is taken from THE AFRICAN

'Bheki Cele says 19-year-old was 'lucky to be raped' by only one man.
Bheki Cele claimed the 19-year-old who was raped in Krugersdorp was lucky since the other victims were raped by multiple men.


Tags:Bheki CeleFeaturedGBVGender-based violenceKrugersdorprapehttps://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/latest-bheki-cele-says-19-year-old-was-lucky-to-be-raped

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