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Alyssa woke up that day with a bright smile, she got up and started getting ready making a TikTok before heading off to class, after archery class Alyssa went down to the clearing so she could help Enid finish her Poe Cup boat

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Alyssa woke up that day with a bright smile, she got up and started getting ready making a TikTok before heading off to class, after archery class Alyssa went down to the clearing so she could help Enid finish her Poe Cup boat. Although Alyssa wasn't competing she did volunteer to do the face paint for the competitors. "If Bianca Barley wins again this year I will literally scratch my eyes out" Enid tells Yoko encouraging her to paint the boat better "I would pay money to see that." Wednesday says appearing behind the girls. "Howdy, roomie!" Enid greets before walking away to deal with another team member.  "I'm so glad you decided to stay." Alyssa tells Wednesday. "Yeah well I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game" Wednesday says crossing her arms.

"You mean Rowan?" she asked raising her eyebrows "I witnessed his murder Alyssa" Wednesday says tired of everyone not believing her. "I want to believe you, I really do. It's just everyone saw him this morning, very much so alive" Alyssa says, twiddling her fingers. "You've become friends with almost everyone, you have to know his story" Wednesday groans and Alyssa sighs "All I know is that Xavier is his roommate, you could ask him" she tells Wednesday before running off to help Yoko finish painting.


Alyssa walks into her botanical sciences and sees Wednesday talking to Thing. Alyssa offers them a short wave before looking for a seat. The girl spots Xavier who looks up at her and offers a smile, Alyssa smiles back at him before taking a seat next to him "Hi" Xavier smirks at her and she offers a greeting back. The class starts and Wednesday takes a seat next to Alyssa, Xavier lifts his hand over his sketchbook making his drawing of a turtle come to life. "I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill speaks and Xavier turns to look over at them, "Admit it, you're a little impressed." he smirked at the girls. Alyssa reaches her hand out to touch the shadow drawing but before she even makes contact with it Wednesday smacks her hand down and destroys it making the class laugh.

Alyssa and Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Ms. Thornhill addresses the girls and starts the class.  Bianca raises her hand but Alyssa calls out "Dendrophylax lindenii." "Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca adds on glairing over at Alyssa "First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." Wednesday finishes. "Very good, Wednesday and Alyssa. You may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Ms. Thornhill jokes which makes Bianca glare at the girls harder.

"Alyssa, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities" Thornhill asks the girl, to which she answers "Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." Alyssa answers. "But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca adds on trying to one up Alyssa. "Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. Nothing a Weedwacker couldn't fix." Alyssa says smirking over at Bianca "You can most certainly try" Bianca says getting defensive. "Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier asked, confused, making the class laugh.

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