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*Three Years Ago *

Running through the forest, the wind blew through her long chocolate locks. Scared to look back the girl kept running, she was almost there, just a few more feet and she would make it home. The creature bellowed before slamming its fists into the ground, making the young girl fall flat on her butt. The creature drew closer and the young girl looked around for anything she could use to defend herself, but to her luck nothing was around but dirt and sticks. When all hope felt gone the girl braced herself for the worst. Just as the create was about to strike her with a final blow a spout of water shot up sending the creature flying far away from the young thirteen year old. The girl stood in a haste but the exhaustion finally got to her, her eyes falling shut and her body heading towards the ground.

Later when the girl awoke she was in a unknown location. Quickly she examined her  surroundings finding herself in what looked to be a cabin only the wall's were marble and stone, holding a certain feel of elegance to it. The young girl jolted out of the bed and ran to the door in hopes to figure out where in fact she was. Opening the door she was met with more children walking about and chatting with each other. The girl was confused to say the least. Feeling a tap on her shoulder the girl turned around to be met with a half donkey boy.

"Hi! I'm Grover, welcome to camp half-blood" The boy, Grover, greets the girl in a friendly tone informing her on her whereabouts.

"Camp-halfblood? Sounds made up, but at this point I'll belive anything I mean there is a half boy half donkey standing right in front of me" She stated shoving her hands in her pocket.

"Donkey? No i'm half goat, satyr is the correct term. This is a camp for the children of greek gods, and you Alyssa Hart are the daughter of Poseidon" Grover told the young girl.

"How do you know my name?" The girl asked weirded out by everything that was currently happening.

"I am a protector so I know every half bloods name." The satyr replied casually

"Yeah right. I am not the daughter of Poseidon and I am not a half blood" Alyssa said calling the goat's bluff. When suddenly a glowing trident shined above her head. She let out an exhale of air, "Well would you look at that"




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Millie Bobby Brown
Alyssa Hart

Millie Bobby BrownAs Alyssa Hart

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Winona Ryder
Lucinda Hart

Winona RyderAsLucinda Hart

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Ben Barnes

Walker Scobell AsPercy Jackson

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Walker Scobell
Percy Jackson

•~the rest of the Wednesday cast as their perspective characters~•

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