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O  M GEE! Are you not excited! Enid exclaims, squeezing Alyssa's shoulder

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O M GEE! Are you not excited! Enid exclaims, squeezing Alyssa's shoulder. Alyssa smiles sarcastically at Enid, "Oh let me see! I have to work some crummy job with no pay? Wow, I'm so excited." Alyssa tilts her head at Enid. "Oh whatever party pooper. I hope I end up with Ajax" Enid sighs dreamily "Oh yeah how could I forget. You have a crush on soap boy" Alyssa teases poking Enid's side to which Enid swats her hands away, blushing profusely. "All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10am sharp followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students. As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward." Weems spoke as the teachers started handing out the assignments.

"Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I do have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kinda the obvi choice." Enid exclaimed as they walked up to Wednesday before asking what she got. "Uriah's Heap, whatever that is." Wednesday says face drained of any emotions. "Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though. What about you Aly?" Enid says turning towards the girl. "Hm? Oh, I got the Weathervane. Let's go see what Yoko and Davina got, I see Weems walking over here so good luck Wednesday" Alyssa tells before the duo walks away to find their other friends.
The girls get off of the bus laughter filling the air "Omg no way, you really punched Kent?" Alyssa laughed as Davina told the girls some stories of her and her twin brother "Yes and I stand by it" Davina said, her accent strong. The girls continued walking to the town square where the introduction speech would be held. The girls took their seats just as the mayor walked up.

"Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy. Now on behalf of the entire Jericho community, we are so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly. . . outreachous!" Mayor Walker laughs before clearing his throat, Weems walking up to his side. "Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy" Weems speaks dismissing the Nevermore students to their jobs. Alyssa waved bye to the couple she was sat with before leaving for the Weathervane.

The bells jingled as Alyssa opened the door to the cozy cafe. Looking up from the counter, a wide smile grew on Tyler's face as he waved her over. "Hey Alyssa, I'm glad you got here for your assignment. Uh lockers are right behind that door, and here is your complimentary Weathervane uniform." Tyler spoke to the girl handing her the brown T-shirt. "Although I am not too thrilled to be doing free labor, I guess it'll be fun having you as my partner." Alyssa smiled at the boy, making him smile back. Tyler held eye contact with Alyssa a little longer before a door swinging open caught their attention.

Xavier Thorpe being the one to open the door.

Alyssa took in his attire to see the Weathervane shirt he was wearing. "Oh sick, you got assigned here too Xavier?" Alyssa asked with a wide smile gracing her lips. Xavier smirked before replying "Sure did, I guess it's just me and you then huh?" his smirk growing wider "Uh, I'm here too you know" Tyler spoke not liking how Xavier was looking at Alyssa. "Ok I'm going to go change and then I'll be right out to help you guys" The brunette spoke, grabbing the shirt and walking to the lockers. Once she was through the doors Xavier and Tyler shot glares at each other, both speaking at the same time "Stay away from Alyssa".

Xavier furrowed his eyebrows "Me stay away from her? We go to the same school. You need to stay away from her. She doesn't need someone like you hanging around. She's a work of art and after what happened last year, I take it you don't like art that much." he spoke, a challenging tone in his voice. Tyler was about to respond when Alyssa walked out of the locker room "Alright nerds, let's serve some coffee".
To say that today had been the most awkward day of Alyssa life would be a huge understatement. What Alyssa thought would be a fun day with two of her favorite boys turned into a testosterone match quickly. The day was spent with both boys trying to help her with every little thing, to the literally fighting over a tray of hot chocolate, which to say ended up with Alyssa mopping the floor. The only highlight of Alyssa's day was when Wednesday stopped by to chat with Tyler, much to his annoyance because that meant that Xavier got time to be with Alyssa, even if it was only for five minutes.

Finally it was one and Alyssa met back up with Davina and Yoko, taking their seats on the bleachers. "Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone. Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity." The mayor droned on making Alyssa groan, throwing her head back "God this is so boring, the Weathervane was more interesting than this" Yoko laughs at the girl gently patting her head.

The band starts playing and the fountain turns on making the crowd clap. Alyssa was borderline falling asleep on Davina's shoulder when an explosion came and blew up the fountain. The crowd became alive as everyone ran. Alyssa sat straight up with a shocked look on her face. Yoko grabbed her hand, dragging her away from the scene and back to the bus. "Well that was an interesting end," the girl laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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