10. close call

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ANOTHER day of staring at the wall with a blank expression, simply hoping for something interesting to happen

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ANOTHER day of staring at the wall with a blank expression, simply hoping for something interesting to happen. The cream walls felt like they were closing in on her as her knees were drawn to her chest. Laser focus on a chip in the paint at the edge of the bed that appeared to be moving. Were her eyes deceiving her? A stream of sunlight broke through as the curtain was shoved to the side, a low meow echoing. Chihiro smiled at Peaches whom was curled up on top the comforter stretching. She shuffled down to be closer to her, to feel the animals warmth as she felt solemn. Her index finger ran up and down between her eyes as she purred in content, it made Chihiro smile. The way Peaches's tiny little paws padded into the blankets as she laid on her side stretched out.

Like the universe heard her plea for something to do, a knocking at her front door tore her attention away from the biscuit making cat as she swung her feet over the edge of the bed. She was nervous, primarily, but also excited about who it could be. Her first thoughts were the man but her hopes were Neji. Even as her stomach sank opening the door, but her mood regained immediately.

"Neji!" she squeaked, motioning for him to come in. What she wanted to do was pull him in for a hug, happy he was back safe and in one piece. But she wouldn't do that, he was more a stand-off type anyways. The soft clicking of tiny claws against the wood floor grabbed their attention,

"Hi Peaches," Neji said as he rubbed his knuckle down the cat who'd followed Chihiro from the bedroom, "she's already looking healthier."

"Mhmm, vet took good care of her. Gave some meds for a few days but mainly just needed food. All mine now, Ino said she's seen her running around over the last few months so guessing no owners there."

The two chatted, small talk for awhile as she began to ask about his mission. Neji didn't want to tell her too many details, he came out very unscathed so it didn't matter much. All he could think as he looked her over was his late night thoughts of her, his fears of her. But it didn't matter in the end because there he was in her apartment. He just couldn't stay away from her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk?" Neji asked shyly, an emotion he rarely showed. He never asked people to do things with him in such an intimate way.

"Oh yeah that sounds good. Uh. Let me get changed first." It was like Chihiro attached to the first person who was there for her. But Neji hadn't been the first person in Konoha. He was the last likely person to go out of his way for someone, to be their rock. But that was exactly what he was becoming for Chihiro.

Chihiro got ready quick, unknowingly dressing herself up. She wanted to look cute in one of her skirts and loose blouses, have her hair flow down her back. Because at the front of her mind she wanted to look good for Neji, wanted him to find her cute. Which made her blush to think about.

When they stepped out of the apartment, Neji had butterflies swirling in his stomach from being besides her. He couldn't stop sneaking looks at her.

It was quiet between them as they walked on the streets weaving through groups of people. Neji kept his eyes laser focused on her as they made it to the edges of town, near southern gates. It was a beautiful sunny day, butterflies jumping from flower to flower in a stagnant breeze. Puffy clouds were unmoving in the sky as the sun shone down like a laser beam. Chihiro felt tiny walking besides the shinobi, finally feeling safe knowing if the figure from days ago were to show up... she'd be okay. Her eyes were focused on him rather than the beauty of the nature around her. Neji made her forget of Yggdrasil. He was pretty, tall, poised, and confident. The way he held himself drew her right in.

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