17. falling (apart)

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THE Konoha gallery was quaint yet that held the town's most famous arts through their history

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THE Konoha gallery was quaint yet that held the town's most famous arts through their history. Laid out in the eclectic building were a most a dozen rooms with paintings from different time periods lining the walls. Chihiro finds herself enjoying every painting, sculpture, or more. Neji offered to take her out for the day since he'd returned from a mission the day prior. And it was adorable watching him tell her about the history behind each work; he knew so much. Watching his focused face and now his eyes lit up as they walked and stopped, her arm linked with his. She was constantly learning more about Neji and this was another side to him. Chihiro was excited to see how the rest of their day would play out.

The shinobi and the girl certainly looked like a couple out on a date. They were so engaged in each other and nothing else, sneaking glances at the other and darting their gaze when they looked. Cheeks dancing with a faint pinks and reds. Her mind was not only focused on the art but at how he greeted her- their first hug that lasted far too long for just friends. The way he'd wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her into his strong chest. It made her stomach erupt in nerves and a smile pull at her lips just thinking about it. Her mind was a wreck with thoughts of Neji, especially whilst he looked so attractive showcasing his interests to her.

It was no worry that they weren't speaking much outside of Neji explaining artists behind the art and their time period. They were just excited to be in each other's peaceful company.

They come to an almost empty room, with a few benches surrounded by renditions of paintings from the nine tailed demon attack. Neji lead Chihiro to a bench against a light cream wall,

"Thank you for bringing me Neji, I've enjoyed this. It's so beautiful." Chihiro said with a smile as she sat down, "I've learned a lot about Konoha or shinobi countries in general from school but it's nice to hear it from you. And well see artworks that came out of it."

"I felt like you'd enjoy coming here with me. Wanted something relaxing for you still."

"Yes well this has been! I appreciate everyone going above and beyond for my sake. Everyone seems so worried I feel bad."

"Don't feel bad. We choose to do this for you. And I like coming here to clear my head, I'm glad you didn't mind spending time staring at what some would call mundane."

"It's not mundane. When we're younger at school, not focusing on coursework so seriously we got to take art classes. I found it so much fun to paint or sculpt, or whatever. Even if I sucked it helped me appreciate it more."

"I still can't believe you guys are in your academy for twelve years, I would've lost my mind dealing with some of those idiots for that long."

"Are you always so impatient?" she laughed, playfully poking him.

"You should've met me when I was fourteen." he shook his head, "I may have been a little obnoxious."


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