4: that's christmas to me

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Mirabel entered the kitchen only to see her mamá and her sisters completely tired and drained. She also noticed that the kitchen was a huge mess and it needed to be cleaned up soon.

Julieta had her head down on the kitchen table, probably asleep. Isabela and Luisa were both leaning on the kitchen counters as Isabela was fanning herself since it was hot I'm the kitchen.

"So, I see everything went well," she said sarcastically as she was trying to make light of the situation.

"You can say that again," Luisa replied, as she stepped away from the counter.

"Is she asleep?" Mirabel asked, as she took a glance at Julieta.

Luisa walked over to her mother and lightly tapped her. She didn't budge.

"Yup," Luisa replied.

Isabela was the next person to walk over to her mother so she could wake her up. It bothered the eldest daughter that her mother was sleeping in a chair instead of a comfortable bed and she very much needed it.

"Mamá! If you're going to sleep, go to your bed! Not here," she ordered, lightly shaking her.

Just then, Alma walked in the kitchen super confused as to what was going on.

"What is going on? Why is the kitchen a mess?" she asked, which brought the three girls' attention.

"Uhhh it's long story," Mirabel told her.

"I have time," Alma replied.

Mirabel froze. How was she going to explain everything? Especially when her mother said nothing about this for days.

Julieta was now awake as Alma replied.

"Mamâ, I can explain! I wanted to make a nice Christmas dessert for the town but it got out of hand. The villagers were so demanding," Julieta explained.

"What?!" Alma was shocked to hear this.

"And we helped her throughout the day," Mirabel added.

"Mija, is this true? How come you never told me sooner? Alma asked with concern.

"I was going to," Julieta replied.

Alma sighed.

Even though Alma was starting to do better for the family and go easier on them, it was hard for Julieta to break the habit of cooking anything crazy or overworking herself. Especially since she's been doing so for 46 years. Alma noticed this and she was getting really concerned for her daughter.

"Mirabel, Luisa, and Isabela. You three will be helping your mother with dinner tonight. Julieta, go upstairs and take shower. Also go lay down," Alma ordered.

"Mamá, isn't making dinner my job?" Julieta asked.

"Well usually yes, but after everything I heard today you're not cooking dinner. Now go," Alma calmly told her.

Julieta knew there was no point in arguing as she was too tired to argue so she just got up and went upstairs to shower.

As Julieta left, Camilo came in the kitchen to get some more Natilla.

"Hola primas! What's tía making for dinner?" Camilo asked, taking another bite of the dessert.

The three girls looked at each other and back at him with annoyance. He seriously did not ask that right now. Especially after what their mother has been through today.

"Are you serious? What's your problem?

"You seriously did not just ask that!"

Camilo was so confused as he wasn't very aware of what happened today.

"What? I just asked a simple question! It's not that deep," he said.

"Well since you weren't paying attention, my mother has been working hard on this dessert that you're literally stuffing your face with. She is tired and exhausted from the cooking and dealing with those ungrateful people!" Isabela explained with frustration.

"Oh yeah, tía has had a really rough day," Dolores said, as she appeared out of nowhere and pretty much scared everyone.

"Dolores geez!"

"You scared me!"

"You just like came out of nowhere!"

"Don't creep up on people like that!"

"First of all, I wasn't creeping up on anyone! I happened to pass by all the action. Second of all, why don't we all work together to make dinner! It's a great way for us to spend time together. It is indeed the holiday season and the holiday season is about spending time with the ones you love," Dolores explained.

The rest of the kids looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Dolores was right. Christmas was about spending time with family and loved ones. This was their first Christmas since the rebuild that they were getting closer as a family. Dolores thought making dinner together would be a great opportunity.

"Hm, she has a point."

"Alright let's do it!"

"Yeah, that'll be nice!"

"So, what are we making?" Mirabel asked.

"That's a good question," Luisa replied.

After a while, they ended up in deciding to make pollo, arroz, sopa, and arepas so tonight's meal would be a big one and there would a ton of leftovers so Julieta wouldn't need to cook tomorrow.

In the middle of cooking, everyone seemed to be enjoying it as they've been spending time with one another.

"Hey, why don't we do this on Christmas too?" Mirabel suggested.

"Aw that would be nice! We'll have a Christmas dinner but this year it's made by us and not by mamá. She really needs a break and she shouldn't have to cook Christmas dinner after what happened today," Isabela said.

"I mean, she made a lot of dessert so we'll have all that if Camilo doesn't eat it all," Mirabel added, as Camilo gave her a look telling her that he was offended. She just shrugged in response because she knew it was true.

That dinner turned out to be very successful and the adults loved it. They were impressed that's nothing was burnt.

When Christmas rolled around, the kids made the same thing for dinner. It was a happy day for the family Madrigal and they were chore-free. This was actually the first lazy Christmas the family had in years. Usually, a party would be hosted but everyone was against that since that crazy day.

Alma was grateful she made the decision not to host a party on Christmas and everyone else was grateful for that too. The family knew that they needed each other to have a good Christmas as Christmas is about spending time with your loved ones.

They may have been a broken family before, but this past holiday season was another step towards healing as a family and getting closer.

-ANNNDDD THAT'S IT! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates! I have a new AU coming soon and I'm not sure when it will be out. I also have more stuff for the Dead Julieta series so stay tuned for that too! Anyways, that's it and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. If you don't celebrate Christmas, then just have a nice day. See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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