Epilogue of HEA (#1 & #2)

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Where the Two Sisters Met

Deep was leisurely walking on the streets, enjoying the last day of the business trip, in another city. Veer also got a chance to meet the staff of his company at this city branch. He also told her that today they would have dinner with one of his business partner's family today. So she decided to buy clothes for today as all she brought were work related and now she was on her way to the hotel room.

She stopped on track near a hobby center, where she happened to see a pair of twins. One was carrying a guitar, and the other was with a keyboard. They unknowingly pulled her towards them, and they didn't even look familiar.

"Hi there!" She approached them with a friendly smile. The girls looked at her and ran inside the building. Deep whistled to dissipate the awkwardness and turned to leave when she saw a familiar, heavily pregnant woman.

He body froze as her lips called out her name aloud, "Guari?"

Gauri looked in the direction her name was called, and she froze as well when she saw her sister standing in front of her. "Deep." She gasped.

The two girls were rushing out of the building when they saw their mother, and Deep now looked at them dumbfounded. It didn't take her long to realize whose children they were, but she hoped that she didn't end up with that bastard. Before anyone can say anything, Gauri's water broke.

Veer and Neel were talking in Neel's office, as Veer came to meet his business partner. Unknown to the Goswami sisters that they were this close. Veer and Neel both got a phone call at the same time.

"Hello," Veer greeted but soon got worried when he heard sobs on the other end, "What happened love, why are you crying?" He asked. He never heard her wife crying.

"You... you have to come to the hospital. I am sending you the address." Deep ended the call before getting into the details. Veer looked at Neel, and he looked equally worried. They both rushed to their respective car, meanwhile Veer called his bodyguard, asking for the details. His phone beeped, and he maneuvered his car in the hospital's direction.

Neel and Veer ended up in the same parking lot. Both rushed to the reception, asking for the gynecology department. As they took to the elevator, Neel told Veer that he was going to be a dad soon.

When they reached the operation theatre, Veer saw his wife pacing around frantically along with all the family members for Neel's family.

"Where's Gauri?" Neel asked.

"She is in the delivery room. A nurse will soon come to accompany you there."  Neel's mother informed. "Meanwhile, you need to address some serious issue here. This lady," Neel's mother pointed at Deep, "is claiming to be Gauri's sister." Neel looked at Deep, first time registering someone else's presence.

"Ma'am, she is my wife." Veer gently replied, holding her sobbing wife in his arms.

"Sister?" Neel echoed, but before Deep could say something, the nurse came asking for him.

Deep was cradling a baby boy to sleep, whom Gauri just finished feeding. It's been two days, Deep never left the new mother's side but never spoken a word either. Neel would always be the one struck in this awkward situation, and Veer managed to stop Deep, intimidating Gauri even if it's for a few hours.

"I am sorry." Gauri finally broke the silence.

Deep put the sleeping baby in the crib and looked at her older sister. Exhaustion, from dilvering a child and only a few hours of sleep, was now visible on her face.

"I am sorry," Gauri repeated.

"For what?" Deep asked.

Gauri sighed, Deep was never the one to be pleased easily. "For being selfish and only thinking of my children. For leaving you alone to deal with those people. For...for not messaging you even once for all those years. To be honest, I never opened that email." Gauri's voice was now trembling.

"You should not be sorry for thinking about your children before me. I would've done the same." Deep started, "but you should have trusted me. You know that I always had a plan. I would never let you marry that old bastard." She paused, her eyes were filled with tears, she sniffed, "mother asked me to marry that man instead, so I ran with all the gold ornaments." Gauri laughed, but her laughter died when she saw Deep's teary face. "I build a life we both imagined. A life where we lived the way we wanted, with your children. But you never messaged me once.

"I was worried sick about you. At one point, I even thought you and your child were de...." Deep discontinued the sentence. She took a deep breath before continuing, "I missed the chance to spoil them, to know them. They didn't know that they had a family because of you. What's more important is that you, my dear sister, you have to endure so many things alone which you could've not. We both would have been happy all those years, which were miserable, at least for me." Deep stopped and left the room.

Neel was half lying next to Guari on the hospital bed,  gently patting her head.

"She changed a lot in all those years." Gauri commented. "All I remembered was a timid Deepika who would cry even if mother or father looked wrong way at her." She snickered.

"I don't know. When I got to you, she was worried sick. As soon as she saw her husband, she started crying." Neel informed, "mom told she cried for almost an hour before Veer managed to comfort her. Even he said it was his only second time seeing her crying." Gauri hummed before giving into slumber.

The next morning, Gauri got discharged from the hospital. She didn't see Deep that day. When they reached home, only then she saw Deep playing with Garvita and Ashmita. Deep and the family decorated the house and baby nursery for her welcome. Deep also apologized for her outburst at the hospital. Gauri met Veer for the first time and instantly liked him. They did dinner together before Deep and Veer bod goodbye to the family.

"Are you ready?" Veer asked once they were in their hotel room.

"For what?" Deep asked.

"For our honeymoon. You promised that this would be your last trip." Veer pouted.

"You're being a child." Deep laughed.

That hurt Veer's man ego because he grabbed Deep by waist and pinned her on the bed with him on the top. "May I remind you exactly how much of a man I am?" He asked. "It's been two years already. You said you have to grow your career as a business woman a year ago. Before this trip, you promised me a honeymoon."

"But...but everyday is bed day for you", Deep reasoned, "isn't that enough."

"No." Veer replied deadpan before kissing hard his wife, after a while he broke the kiss, "I would never have enough of you." He kissed her again.

The End.

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