HEA #5

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It's been a month since the incident with Gauri and her daughters. Though Neel didn't ask anything about it and she didn't explain, still there were many questions in his mind. Some were answered like why she never stayed in the office after six and why her father always praised her. Now he also knew why his father said that she can give him two granddaughters. He knew it all along.

He did get the opportunity in the form of their next project together. They were trying to make a product with co-operation of his father friend's company. As usual they were discussing the basics over coffee.

"Prepare the final draft and we'll discuss it next to next week with our would be partner in the meeting." Neel said closing there discussion. "I don't think there will be any problems in negotiations because the owner is my childhood friend." He added to which Gauri only nodded.

Her nature doesn't change. She still is the same, unaffected, for which Neel was thankful. With difficulty he started having coffee with her and if she started to feel awkward that could be a problem for their professional relationship too.

"So, what's with the flower and scar." He asked suddenly startling her. She looked at him with wide eyes, shocked.

"Did my daughters say anything to you while you were seeing them off?" She asked curiously.

"Nah. They just asked me where I live. A castle or a dungeon? Though it was confusing and before I could reply they started arguing to themselves on where I should live." He said with a chuckle. Gauri joined him and smiled imagining the scene.

"They always do that. Ashmita is more attracted towards princely characters and castles like typical Disney princesses, while Garvita always fall for a dragon." She explained. "She is just fascinated by the fact that he can breathe fire." She added with a chuckle.

"That doesn't explain the flower scenario." He said.

Gauri sighed. She knew it was coming, when was the question. "They are still five years old you know. They want their father like all others. When they asked me about him I just said that he has gone to pick my favorite flowers and he is handsome like a prince but also strong like a dragon with a scar." She looked at him for a brief moment, to find he was looking at her intently. She sighed once again, "And then you showed up on the door with exact things that I told them. I am sorry. I already explained them not to pull that stunt again." She said.

His heart fell when he heard her. After meeting her twins he was sure that there will be no problem convincing them but how the hell he asks her that he is ready to play the role of their father for entire life, happily.
He wants to be her happily ever after.


Next two weeks passed in a blur, with preparing and finalising the list of negotiations with the other company.

Gauri was pacing in the conference room with an unsettling mood. She didn't felt like this in ages but her intuition was not giving her a good feeling about this. All she wanted to do today was to stay at home with her twins and watch movies with large pizza boxes to finish.

Yeah, she spoils her twins and herself when needed.

Neel was gone to attend them personally as they were family friends and she was waiting for them. They could be here any minute now. She couldn't ask someone else to present the proposal for obvious reasons.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps inside the room. She mentally scolded herself for zoning out. Neel stood beside her and cleared his throat.

"Gauri, he is Mr. Namit Singh. My old friend and if today's meeting is successful then our partner." He added for humor, to which no one laughs.

"Your sense of humor is still in the category of non-existence." Namit who was standing at a distance came forward to look at the duo. His deep voice once soothing to her ears were now seems like truck horn. Unpleasant but alarming.

Love Bites- Collection of Short Romantic Stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora