Star-Glazed #7

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Advik's palm tightened into Lavanya's.  She went through so much, and he was wallowing over how his life was unfair. How could he be so self-centered?

"The bullet peirce through the body and  into the wall. Blood was everywhere. Everything was silent before my father's body fell on the ground with a thud. Shekhar was still drunk, so he didn't even know what had happened. His mother, though, started shouting as what he did. She came running to me not to tell anyone about it or else she would kill me. I, on the other hand, still can't believe the scene in front of me. My father, who was the only family left, was dead. I can't even ask for help." Lavanya cried silently for her father.

"Sana was my neighbor that time. His father was constable. He and his family were always very supportive of me. So he came running. He helped me with the arrest of Shekahr and his mother. Then, with my father's death rituals. They helped me with everything they could. They feed me. They kept me alive and sane. They even fought in court for me. Sana has two brothers they both are police officers. They kept tabs on my father's murderer and told me about it." She continued, wiping her tears. "You should stop with your treatment with your parents." Lavanya looked at Advik, whose eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "They did reach me. Even your mother came to me personally, asking me to come back to her son's life. Apparently, you gave them a hell because of my disappearance." Lavanya chuckled, which softens Advik's expression. "I declined. Coming back to your life would be hell for me. Everything was still fresh, and the media was always prying."

"Then, why did you come back now? Didn't you think media can pry your past now?" He asked.

"That's why I never was active in social media or any public event. But," Lavanya looked straight into Advik's eyes. There was something different in her eyes, "I couldn't say no to you. Your heart broken face would haunt me at night. Because I love you too." Lavanya confessed.
Advik's eyes went as big as it could go. He couldn't believe what he heard. "How can someone not like you?" She continued, "I bet your haters secretly in love with you and only want your attention. I always liked you, but I never had courage. You were old money, I was afraid that people would call me names because I chose you, and I did not want you to be involved in my mess. But fate has different plans. Even after cleaning my past, we met, and I couldn't suppress my feelings for you anymore." And Lavanya hugged Advik's tightly.

Advik was still speechless. He waited years for this day, and now, when it finally came, he was speechless, but his eyes brimmed with tears.

Lavanya was first to break the hug. She smiled with teary eyes.

"But waht about your mother's side relatives. They are pretty rich." That's what Advik asked first.

Lavanya's smile flattered. "I thought of different reactions after my confession." There was a pause before she continued, "They are dead to me. Who do you think is the source of all the rumors about me. My first cousins. They are jealous of me. That even when my maternal grandfather stripped my mother of everything, I still lived my best life. When my mother got ill, my father went to him, asking for his help. That old man did not help us and his own daughter die. They didn't even show up at the funeral. My mother would legally inherit a large piece of land and shares in business that were owned by her grandfather no matter what, but they took that away. They took my chance to live a normal life. My uncle did not even meet me when I needed a lawyer at that time. They just discarded me and my family like a fly in milk." Lavanya's face once again hardend. This time, Advik hugged her hard.

All of the sudden sound of clap echoed into the hall, and both of them immediately went on high alert.

"What a sad story you have there, my little step sister." Shekhar fake sympathized. Advik instinctively stepped in front of Lavanya. An action that did not go unnoticed. "You hired a pretty famous bodyguard for yourself."

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