No control

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Jack POV
As soon as Elsa hugged me,I got a surge of energy,I saw red sand on my jacket and ... I lost control,I was stuck in her sand's trance
I tackled Elsa really hard,I pinned her against a tree gripping her wrists,my body pressed against her,staring into her eyes.Oh my frost I can't believe I'm doing this,the sand took full effect..oh no.
"j-jack"my eyes didn't move
What I said left me and Elsa in shock
"Elsa I like you"
"Elsa I love you"I quickly kissed her cheek
"Elsa I want you"My hands snaked around her waist and stomach,ugh why does she have to be wearing a crop top.I stopped fighting the sand,I pulled her closer to me,if that was possible,I held her in a inescapable embrace.I buried my face into her neck,inhaling her scent mint,chocolate,and freshly fallen snow.I started kissing and licking her neck,it's like my mouth has a mind of it own,I can't stop she tastes so good...What?! I was now kissing her jaw line...what am I doing *mentally face palms*
"J-jack what a-are y-you doing?"I stopped kissing her jaw...I have a feeling I'm gonna do something bad now
"Seeing if this is a dream and if it isn't...sorry"I whispered in her ear,she is so gonna kill me
"For what? "Elsa is freaked out
"This..."I crashed my lips on her lips,she tensed up and wide eyed.I opened one of my eyes slightly to see her in shock.I started to pull away.Before I could two ice cold hands wrapped around my neck,giving me that even possible.I open my eyes to see Elsa looking into my eyes,I had stopped the kiss leaving 2inches between our faces.She buried her face into my neck. "I'm so sorry,I mean about the love sand...and this"she started blowing on my neck,leaving frost and red sand on my neck. My hands tighten on her waist,she stiffened,I lean in,she leaned in,my body pressed against her,she pulled on my neck,I licked her neck,she melted into my arms,she kissed my cheek and pulled me into a passionate and dangerously deep kiss. I feel an energy leave my body,making me stop the kiss and fall onto the ground panting and coughing up red sand.
"Your welcome"Elsa crossed her arms
"For what?" All the frost and red sand melted off my neck,I'm still coughing up red sand
"Before I died, I shot you with an arrow right?" I nodded 'yes'
"Well Jack you just learned what my strongest sand does"she claimed
"It's the only one I had at the time...give me a break"she put her hands up in surrender
"Why did it just kick in then"I finally caught my breath
"It is activates be contact to lover, and I made the mistake of hugging you...but contact is the only way to remove the arrow"she mumbled the last part
"Do your VICTIMS normally start to cough up red sand and are panting uncontrollably"I asked her sternly,but her face had a puzzled look. She spoke
"First off their not victims,Second off the panting is normal,But the sand is new nobody's body has rejected the sand unless...they were a spirit"she pulled out her book and started writing,she looked up
"Are we done yet...the others are"She was cut off by a scared Sandy,North who is standing in front of all of the boys with wide eyes,the boys were disgusted,Bunny was giving us a weird/disgusted look,Tooth was squealing,Anna was also squealing,Kristof was giving me a thumbs up,and the Fangirls fan-girl-ing while holding...phones!? Please tell me they weren't recording that
"The others are right here"Olaf was the first to speak,he was just smiling
"How much did you see?"Elsa said quickly,I turn to see her a bright red
"Enough to be scared for life"North looked at me then Elsa then back to me
Elsa staggered back,and passed out, I caught her
"Jack Explain"Tooth said while checking Elsa for injuries
"Before Elsa Died she shot me with one of her strongest arrows,and when she came back alive the red sand grew inside of me,and when hugged me he sand released it self.Resulting in what you just saw"I explained
"Eww her neck is wet"Tooth was trying to clean off her hand
"Sorry"I groaned,I looked down
"Jack...that's messed up"Jamie chuckled uncomfortably
"Sorry that you had see that bud"I chuckled
"Have you check her temperature"I said placing my hand on her forehead,and got burned
"Ooowwww"I pulled my hand away in pain,and dropping Elsa
"What?"North placed his hand on her forehead, and pulled his hand back just like me
"Whoa that's one fever...Fever she's a winter spirit.Get her to the North Pole"He pulled out a snow globe
"Jamie go back home,they won't remember a thing"I motioned towards the neighborhood
"Okay.Come on guys" they started walking,just then the dog piled me
"Oh and good"He said,they all got off
"I'm just hoping she doesn't kill me when she wakes up"I spoke the truth
"Come one Jack we need to go"Anna yelled jumping into the portal
"And Jack you'll be lucky at the least if she only uses you as a punching bag"Kristof jumped into the postal laughing
"Not funny"I flew into the portal doing a back flip, chasing after them
----------1 hour later---------------
-••• At the North Pole ______
Sandy walked into the globe room, with a glum look
He started signing
"Olaf what is he saying"I ask
"He said that Elsa will be okay after her fever goes down,and that she is physically and emotionally exhausted and when she wakes up she might be..."his voice ran cold
"muted"he looked up a sad expression
"What?! Temporarily or permanently muted"I stand up from my window seat
"We'll see when she wakes up"He looked glum
"How long will she be asleep?"
"1-3 weeks" he answered
Great I thought going without Elsa for one week was bad.

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