Character Profiles #2

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This character is based off of SomaAlicetiese so cudos to them.

Tamashi Murasakino (Soule)
Hero name: Ambrosine
Height: 175cm. (5'9)
Sexuality: Asexual/Aromantic
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/They

Her nickname is Soule. She is more introverted then extroverted, but they have some social skills. They think almost everyone is hot, but they would never actually date someone or have feelings for someone. They also have long purple hair with bangs. She likes sleeping, it helps her quirk too.

Speaking of quirks, their quirk is regeneration. She can regenerate their bodies completely even if it seems irreversible. She can also heal people that are in a 50 foot radius of her. They are in a very good mental and physical state because of her quirk. She also eats flowers and herbs to heal someone and to power her healing abilities. They can only die from old age nothing else.

Once again I will say SomaAlicetiese

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