19. GASP

315 14 8

Hawks' POV

I sat on a chair in front of the counter and rested my head against the counter.

"Tired?" Touya turned around to face me.

"Yeah, I feel like I had 4 hours of sleep," I yawned.

"When did you get back?" He turned back around and flipped a pancake.

"Um weirdly I got back even later then yesterday," I stated. "I got back at 1am," I lifted up my head. "But I drank a lot of energy drinks so I wasn't that tired, so I lost track of time and got back later. Then when I got back I wasn't tired either so I was going to take melatonin. So I looked up how much you can take, and the limit is 10mg. But I didn't remember what mg meant so I just took five pills cause I really wasn't tired. But mg does not mean pills, it means milligrams. So I looked at the bottle and the amount of milligrams in a pill is 3mg and I took 5, which means 15mg of melatonin. Which is above the amount you should take, and it can also lead to an overdose. THEN I started freaking out because I was having symptoms of an overdose. Then I took pain medication and then the sleeping pills weren't really working so I had to wait and then it only kicked in at like 3:30."

He laughed, probably at how long I ranted about something so fucking stupid. Ugh I'm so stupid why did I rant for so long? I didn't even realize I was doing it. I blushed out if embarrassment.

"Is it actually 10 milligrams? I thought it would be more then that," he asked.

"Well 10 milligrams is the limit, anything over that has a possibility to give you an overdose but I think the overdose isn't really gonna be harmful in the long run as long as it's not 30 milligrams."

"Hm, interesting," he smiled.

"How much did you sleep last night?" I asked.

He thought for a second, "like 8 hours."

"How? Did you go to sleep at 11?"

"Yeah- wait no, I went to sleep at 10," he realized.

"Do you just have the ability to go to sleep?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, most the time."


"Why do you always do the day patrols?" That was quite random.

"Um, I can't sleep well when I do night patrols, I mean obviously," I mean I'm up when I'm supposed to sleep. "I have to get used to it though."

"Why?" He asked me.

"Well actually no, that's in 2 weeks," I thought to myself. I looked back up at his confused face. "Oh I have night shifts for a week every month, you know when my family comes over?"

"Oh right, in two weeks? So you have some time before then, so you can sleep normally," he stated.

"Well yeah," I put my head down. Oh wait I needed to tell him something about that... "um actually..." I rest my chin on my wrist. "Can you go back to your house when my family come over?" I blushed.

"Yeah, I can," he gulped and turned back to the pan. "Shit..." he mumbled. He threw away then pancakes he burnt. He had a mix of batter next to him so he poured 3 circles of batter.

"Do you- um- mind that?" I twitched.

"I mean I definitely do not want to, but I can do it if you want me to," he smiled. Fake smile. His skin wrinkled while he smiled. Like his skin iss better but it's still pretty bad. I guess that is normal for a burn victim though.

"Thank you," I smiled back. What do I have to do today? I have patrol 1-5. If I don't have it till so late then why do I have to get up so early? I looked back at him or maybe payed more attention to him. His skin is getting back to semi normal now. He just looks like a regular burn victim. Hmm I wonder- I gasped loudly and smiled at him.

He turned around slightly, "what are you smiling so widely for?"

"Nothing..." I trailed off and smiled wider.

"What is it?" He smiled back and looked back at his pan.

"Do you want to have a spa day?" I used to do it with Rumi all the time. By used to I mean 3 months ago before she had her wedding.

"A spa day?" He asked.

"Yeah like face masks and eye masks and just masks in general then like you do your hair or something. Then you can like do your nails if you want," I exclaimed in excitement.

"Um, that sounds good," he giggled. "I've been meaning to dye my hair."

"What color?" I'm intrigued.

"Probably just my natural hair, white. My roots are growing out a lot so.." he touched the tips of his hair. He put the pancakes he was making on a plate of other pancakes.

"You made a lot of pancakes," I stated.

"Yeah, I made too much batter so I'll just have extras," he shrugged. "When do you want to have a spa day?"

"Ummm I think... Monday." That's a good day. I have patrol 10-1 and then I can have the rest if the day to have a spa. Ooo I'd have to invite Rumi too. I think we have patrol at the same time but I don't know if she has plans with her waifu. "Can I invite Rumi?"

"Sure, but I don't really think she likes me," he stated.

"Noooo," I laughed. Um yeah she does not like him. She just doesn't understand.

"Suuurrreee," he laughed back.


Hola perras

Words: 962

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